King's Business - 1916 -11



which eighteen men confessed the Lord. Another meeting on the big Japanese liner “ Kiyo Maru” was held in which fifty-three Japanese confessed the Lord. Pray for these men, for the workers, and for all who are praying and giving, to enable us to serve Him.

Lord’s doings and His ways are wonder­ ful! In the work at San Pedro God has been blessing richly. W ord comes from that field (which has been left in charge of Vernon Morgan), telling o f a good meet­ ing on board the cruiser “ South Dakota,” in

------------ I—O ---------— THE EXTENSION DEPARTMENT Geo. W. Hunter, Representative

S INCE my arrival in Seattle, some three months ago, to co-operate with Rev. Mark A. Matthews, D. D., pastor o f the First Presbyterian Church,' in his plan to make the Bible work o f the church auxil­ iary to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, there has not been an hour of the day that something has not been done, looking toward the accomplishment o f this end. Between twenty and thirty new Bible classes have been started, making over forty Bible classes all told, in connection with the Bible-study work o f the church, and outside of the work done in Sunday school. There are nearly 6000 members from which to draw for these classes. Those held in the homes average from ten to twenty each in attendance, making a good foundation on which to build. W e have been making a special effort to get in touch with the young people o f the church and city, and have a class o f over twenty Christian Endeavors connected with the First Church, Plans are now being perfected whereby we hope to have an opportunity 'o f reaching some o f the stu­ dent-body o f the University o f Washing­ ton, this fall, and winter, through the pastor o f the University Presbyterian Church, Rev. Norman Harrison. This, together with some bther work we are planning for the young people, we trust will give us a hearing among the young ,people through­ out the State o f Washington, and later Idaho and Oregon. One large class in Tacoma, held on Wed­

nesday evenings at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Howes, has steadily grown in interest and attendance, now having an attendance o f from forty to fifty each week, and the demand is so great for its continuance that it probably will not close before spring. The personnel' of this class is principally mature Christians, and the line o f study is planned to help them in their Sunday school and church work. One class that we are hoping will develop into an important factor in the interest o f Institute work, is a Sunday- afternoon class among the Japanese o f the city. W e are praying that some of its members will decide to take a course at the. Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, and go as missionaries to their own people, either here on the Coast or in Japan. Pray for this class. Dr. Matthews has a most important class on Monday nights, taking up some o f the great doctrines. This will develop the teaching force o f the church and Sunday school and strengthen the work: in that way. Dr. Patton and Dr. James M. Gray are expected for a Bible conference in October, and we also hope to have Supt. Horton o f the Bible Institute at that time. From time to time, as the opportunity offers, we are anticipating having other Bible men to give us messages, as they pass through the city, all of which will help to make this branch o f the Bible Insti­ tute a factor in the spiritual life o f the Northwest.

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