King's Business - 1916 -11


¡I Voi 7


No. 11




E D I T O R I A L There is increasing interest in the great truth of the Second Coming of Christ. The writer is closing a series of Bible Conferences that he has attended in Pennsylvania, Arkansas and Minnesota. At each of

Increasing Interest.

these conferences he was not only asked but urged to speak of the Second Coming of Christ. At one of the conferences, which was largely under Metho­ dist Episcopal auspices, every teacher was asked by those in control to speak one day on this vital question. Dr. Davis, one of the most prominent Presby­ terian ministers of America, was asked to speak on this subject at the North- field Conference and gave a masterly address on the subject. At the Long Beach, Cal., Chatauqua, held in the First M. E. Church, Dr. Len Broughton, perhaps the most widely known of Southern Baptists, spoke again and again on this and related subjects. The collapse of our boasted twentieth century culture and civilization that was expected to bring in the millennium, but instead brought in the present orgie of ferocity and savagery and murder and devilishness, has made a good many people think. The old form of optimism is impossible to intelligent and candid people, and a new kind of optimism, Biblical optimism, founded upon God’s own promise of the glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ is taking its place. Heaven.” The invitation reads in part: “An earnest invitation is extended to all believers, everywhere—to those who ‘love his appearing’ and who are ‘looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ’—to put aside other matters for these days, and come together to unite in supplication for the speedy return of the Lord Jesus. “ Reasons are multiplying daily that call for such a meeting. For many years now the Lord has been giving again to the Church the knowledge of the promise of his personal bodily return, with the result that increasing numbers are being enlightened, and with great joy are receiving this truth which sep­ arates them unto himself. Bible Schools and Conferences, magazines, books and leaflets in ever-increasing number are spreading the truth. Thousands of believers are daily praying, ‘Even so, come, Lord Jesus!’ and are earnestly seek­ ing to hasten his appearing by increasing their efforts in testifying to the gospel o f the grace of God, in order that men everywhere may be evangelized and his Just about the day that this number of T h e K ing ’ s B usiness comes from the press, October 3 and 4, a meeting is being held in Philadelphia to pray for “ The Speedy Return of Our Lord Jesus Christ from Even so, Come Lord Jesus.

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