King's Business - 1916 -11



Melita and afforded a testimony to the truth o f God’s promise and God’s pro­ tecting care. These barbarians were very ignorant and superstitious people (v. 4), but are the judgments o f many educated and professedly Christian people today any more just than theirs? Paul seems to have been very calm about the whole matter (v. 5). No viper, not even the old Serpent himself could, kill him before he reached Rome and gave his testimony for Jesus Christ there. Verse 6 shows how little value is to be attached to public opinion: A few moments ago Paul was a “murderer” and now he is a “god,” both opinions were equally wide o f the mark. Unhappy is the man who depends on public opinion for his comfort. Happy is the man who seeks simply to approve himself to the never changing mind o f God (Gal. 1:10; Heb. 11:5). What did they say to do with Him? John 19:15. I What did the Jews say to do with Paul? Acts 21:36. Why did these barbarians show mercy to the shipwrecked passengers? Rom. 2:13, 14. When David fled from Absalom, who showed him kindness? 2 Sam. 19:15. Did Paul glorify the apostolic office by gathering sticks? Luke 22:24-29; Matt. 20 :27. What wonderful picture is given us o f our Lord in the next age ? Luke 12:37. What unwritten law was moving the minds o f these people? Gal. 6:7. Did the sailors on Jonah’s boat act on this principle ? How should men judge? John 7:24. Had the Lord promised immunity in a Case o f this kind? Mark 16:18. Are people easily influenced to curse or bless? Acts 14:11. (3 ) The Supernatural Power, vs. 7-10. How did Paul reverse the law o f 1 Cor. 9:11.

(cf. Matt. 20:28). There is a lesson here for every one o f us, and a lesson that the average man who considers himself great in the church very much needs. The spirit o f service wap woven into the very warp and w oof o f Paul’s being. And if there was anything for him to do to help his fellow man he would do that. O f course it was very undignified but it was very Christlike (John 13:5-15). The first result o f Paul’s humility appeared discouraging, a poison­ ous serpent “came out by reason o f the heat and fastened on his hand.” It looked as if he must perish, the victim o f his own imprudent superserviceableness, but it did not' turn out that way, it did, however, add another to the many things that Paul endured for his Master (cf. 2 Cor. 11:23- 27), and it also turned out for the fur­ therance o f the Gospel, it gave Paul an avenue o f approach to the inhabitants of (1 ) The Safe Arrival, vs. 39-44. Did it come to pass by chance or by God’s grace 2 Tim. 1:9. According to whose purpose ? Eph. 1 :9; 3:1. Will God’s counsel stand? Isa. 43:10. Does God know the end from the begin­ ning? Acts 15:18. Had God promised Paul he should testify in Rome? Acts 23:11. Was the promise o f God to Paul that all should be saved, certain o f fulfillment? Matt. 24:35. Has God given to Jesus Christ those who believe in His name? John 6:37; John 17:12. Will any be able to pluck them out o f His hand? John 10:28, 29. How will some believers come into port? 2 Pet. 1:11. .How will others come? 1 Cor. 3:l5. (2 ) The Superstitious People, vs. 1-6. How did God’s people receive God’s Son ? John 1 :11.


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