King's Business - 1916 -11



Is - God’s order now to the Jew first? Rom. 1 :16. Had Paul turned to the Gentiles before this? 13:46; 18:6. What is the Gospel to both Jew and Greek ? I 1 Cor. 1 :23, 24. What are both Jews and Gentiles when they believe? Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:10, 11. What advantage did Paul’s bonds add to his testimony? Phil. 1:13, 14. PRACTICAL POINTS (1 ) The cheer o f brethren gives courage to believers,. (2 ) Face friend and foe in a fearless fashion. ,

(3) Talking about the Lord is better than finding fault with your foes: (4) The important thing is not “what do men think” but “what does God think.” (5) You^ can prove the persuasive power o f the Scriptures by using them. ( 6 ) The sword o f the Spirit, some for heaven and some- for hell. (7) A theme for preachers and teachers: The things that concern the Lord Jesus. ( 8 ) The chains o f Paul gave him a chance in the palace. O ---------------

A Living Sacrifice NOVEMBER 26, 1916. LESSON IX. Romans 12:1-8. (Commit vs. 6 - 8 ). G olden T ext : “ Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.”—Rom. 12:1.

DA ILY BIBLE READINGS Mon., Nov. 20—Rom. 12:1-8. (The Lesson).

Tues., Nov. 21—Rom. 12:9-21. Wed., Nov. 22—Psalm 103:1-11. Thurs., Nov. 23—2 Cor. 8:1-9. Fri., Nov. 24—Psalm 51:7-17. Sat., Nov. 25—Heb. 10:1-14. Sun., Nov. 26—Rom. 6 :1-14.


vs. 1 . “I beseech you therefore, breth­ ren, by the mercies of God, that ye (to) present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable (spiritual) service," The chapters in the Epistle to the Romans which precede this one are full o f the most profound teaching about God, especially concerning his won­ derful mercies and purpose o f grace in the history o f Israel and the history o f the nations. Paul here makes these great truths about God which he has been teach­ ing the basis o f the practical teachings that follow. Note the “therefore” in the open­ ing part o f the verse, it points back to all the earlier chapters o f the book as being

the basis upon which Paul founds the prac­ tical exhortations found in this and the fol­ lowing verses, Paul never divorced ethics from theology; no wise teacher ever does. God’s grace toward us has been so wonder­ ful that it lays a corresponding obligation and corresponding duties upon us. Thè duty which God’s grace lays upon us is to present our body and all its members to God for Him to use them for His glory alone (cf. ch. 6:13, 16, 19). Paul is very urgent in his exhortations, he beseeches them to do this. But Paul is winsome as well as urgent: he might have commanded them to do it, but in point o f fact, he beseeches them to do it. Here is a lesson

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