King's Business - 1916 -11



(Isa. 43:13; Dan. 4:35; 1 Cor. 1:25; Rom. 8:31). Gamaliel warned'them against run­ ning the risk o f being “ found even to be fighting against God.” That is a warning that very many need today. W oe to the man who does fight against God (cf. Ex. 10:3-7; 2 Kings 19:20-22, 35.; Isa. 45:9). Sunday, November 5. Acts 5:40-42. The apostles did not escape altogether without suffering. They were sorely beaten: in that they rejoiced, counting it an honor to suffer dishonor for Jesus’ name. Oh how we need an apostolic succession in this direction. Today the average man whines and grumbles if he has to suffer or make any sacrifice for Jesus name. They had been commanded a second time not to speak in the name o f Jesus, but “every day in the temple and at home: they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus as the Christ.” Here also they leave us an example worthy of our imitation. However man may threat­ en us or make us suffer in their attempts to silence us we should teach and preach Jesus every day, not only in the place set apart for worship but above all in our own homes. . Monday, November 6. Acts 6:1, 2. Here again we see that there was imper­ fection and selfishness in the early church. There was suspicion and jealousy on the one hand and unfair treatment o f others on the other hand. One part thought that they did not get due consideration, appar­ ently there was ground for the suspicion and complaint. There was certainly fault on one side, if not on both sides, but while it may be true that some were neglected, the many were cared for. In that day,-, as a rule, the church was looking after its poor. Can we say that that is the rule, today? They were not only looking after their poor, but were looking after them “daily.” No sooner did the difficulty come to light than the apostles sought to set it right. Here at last they had the advantage

o f many o f our churches today. A new set o f officers were appointed to look after this matter. It is evident that God did not give the Church in its beginning some cut and dried form o f church, government which should remain as the fixed form o f church government under all circumstances. The church was developed step by step under God’s providence and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, the form o f government being expanded or changed to meet the exigencies that arose on any occasion. It, is therefore, impossible to say o f any fixed' form o f Church government, “This? and this only, is the Divine and true and orig­ inal and only right form o f government.” The form o f government will change in its details, though nol in its principles, as con­ ditions change and new needs arise. The Holy Spirit is in the church to show what- to do, what officers and servants to appoint to meet each new exigency as it arises. One i thing that “the twelve" said should sink into the hearts o f us all today “it is not reason (literally “pleasing,” that is, to God) that we should leave The W ord o f God and serve tables.” But this which the apos­ tles said was not “pleasing” to God is the very thing that the church is, in many places, wishing the minister o f the Gospel to do today, to “leave the W ord o f God and serve tables.” It wishes him to raise finances, run charity societies, grace social functions with his presence and his speech and in general to “serve tables.” I f the minister consents to do all that the world and even the church todays desires and expects him to do he will have no time left for his own proper work. Tuesday, November 7. Acts 6:3, 4. What the proper work o f the ministers o f the Gospel is, the apostles very plainly and explicitly define, “prayer and the min­ istry o f the Word.” “ It is not pleasing” to God when the church or community-tries' to crowd a man whom He has put into a higher office into the poor, paltry service of “ serving tables.” I f this work must be done, choose someone else to do it. Note

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