King's Business - 1916 -11



looked steadfastly at him they saw .his face shine as the “ face o f an ángel.” It was not merely the purity o f his heart reveal­ ing itself in the beauty and majesty o f his countenance; it was the glory o f God at which Stephen was then gazing, reflecting itself in his countenance. No man approaches more nearly in character and conduct to the Lord Jesus than this-man Stephen, yet this man like his Master was hated and maligned and ultimately mur­ dered. What a revelation o f the badness of the human heart! Saturday, November n . Acts I f one reads Stephen’s address carelessly there may not seem to be much point to it. At- the first glance it appears like a simple stringing together without point or purpose o f certain well-known incidents of Jewish history and quotations from the Old Testament. But when one looks at the address more closely and -carefully he will see that each incident and quotation was' chosen with rare skill. Stephen had in view the leading o f his hearers up to the point where they will see that the one o f whom they had been the “ betrayers and murder­ ers” (v. 52), that is Jesus, was the Just One who their own much honored prophets had foretold. So he selected those inci­ dents o f Jewish history which showed the nation rejecting one after another the lead­ ers whom God had sent, Joseph, Moses, and so on. Furthermore, he had been accused o f speaking blasphemous words against the temple. In his answer he brings up the historical incident that was so- much loved among them, the incident about Solomon’s building the temple, and incidentally, but with rare skill o f sugges­ tion, without too pointed mention, he refers to v(;hat Solomon himself had said in con­ nection o f the dedication o f the temple (v. 48, cf. 1 Kings 8 :27). This utterance of Solomon’s was practically the same as his own that had led them to charge him with speaking blasphemous words against the temple. He goes on to show that their own great prophet Isaiah had said quite

the same thing about the temple that he had said (vs. 48, 49, cf. Isa. 66:1, 2). This answer o f Stephens is a masterpiece, its wisdom is “ Spirit-given.” Stephen began in a very courteous, conciliatory and tender way, “ brethren and fathers.” He asked them to “hearken.” This is just what men full o f bitterness and prejudice are. least willing to do. They always wish to con­ demn a man without hearing him. Stephen began with Abraham whom they never tired o f hearing, and so gained their attention, he Teferred to that great crisis o f Abra­ ham’s life when God called him out and Abraham hearkened and went. Probably the Jews who listened to Stephen did not notice it at first but this allusion to. Abra­ ham’s being called out from his kindred was most timely and a keen thrust; for that was just what they were complaining o f Stephen for doing, turning his back on ancestral customs. But Stephen reminded them that Abraham’s calling out was also a calling into / “into the land.” Thus with the most delicate touch he hints that in leaving Moses behind God was calling him into something better. He refers to the covenant o f circumcision in passing and speaks o f it as God-given and thus in a few words conciliates them again. By a careful study o f this address we may learn much o f how to make points without seem­ ing to make them. Sunday, November 12. Acts 7:9-18. ' The Patriarchs were begotten o f Jacob but they sold Joseph into Egypt and the Jews were descended from Jacob but they betrayed the Christ. The latter part o f this Stephen" left unsaid, left it to be. inferred later. It was envy that led to the murder o f Christ and it was envy that was leading to the present persecution o f Stephen. Stephen did not say all this, he left most of it -for them to think out for themselves. But what a hideous and mischievous and murderous thing envy is. It is a poisonous weed o f rank and rapid growth. Has It taken root in your heart? But “God was with Joseph.” It matters little how men

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