King's Business - 1916 -11



anyone whom he had never seen before and o f whom he knew nothing, but his eager desire for the truth, overcame all his pride; for know the truth he would at any price. Such men always discover the truth. It was indeed providential that the eunuch was reading the passage that so clearly expounds the atoning work of Jesus. It made Philip’s work very simple and easy. There is perhaps no .place in the whole Old Testament (the Scripture that the eunuch possessed) that points more clearly and more unmistakably to Jesus than this, and starting from this Scripture it was very easy indeed for Philip to present Jesus to him.

sided over by Dr. Charles Willett, modera­ tor, and Dr. Farr, pastor o f Calvary Bap­ tist Church, thi£- city, preached the ordina­ tion sermon. Mr. Kay is an exceptionally worthy young man and will undoubtedly prove valuable to the work o f the Master. --------O ------ Former Student Marries Harlow W . Parsoris, a graduate o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, and now a successful evangelist, was on August 19, united in marriage with Miss Mildred L. Burns, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. William D. Burns o f Walton, N. Y.

I JUST OUT—No. 6—JUST OUT Object Lessons of Scripture Companion to No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5 Get one. Get all. 12 Object Lessons in each pamphlet. Price 15c each. Order by Number. Address REV. CHAS. EICKENBERG 4 0 2 7 N. H erm itage Ave. C hicago, Illinois Dr. C. I. Scofield’s Question Box Compiled by ELLA E. POHLE For eleven years Assistant to Dr. Scofield in his Bible Correspondence School A veritable treasure-house of sound exegesis of many puzzling phrases, verses and passages of Scripture, also Biblical teaching as to various problems of Christian work and experiences. Consisting of hundreds of answers (with their respective questions) given by this, able student of the Word in public print, in perspnal correspondence, and to students of his correspondence school. A wide variety of subjects is repre­ sented, all carefully classified and indexed—topically and as to Scripture explained. About 200 pages, well-bound in cloth P rice, $ 1 .2 5 net BIBLE INST ITUTE COLPORTAGE A S S ’N, 8 1 4 N o. LaSalle S t., C h icago | Angeles” and NOT to “ The Bible Institute” as formerly i j but erroneously, advertised. The following is the correct [ form:- ^ ' \ f I give and bequeath to Bible Institute of Los Angeles, I l incorporated under the laws of the State of California | ! ___.¿X l Dollars, and I direct that the release of the I Î President of the Board of Directors of said Bible Institute 1 | j of Los Angeles, shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors i in the premises. 4 ? I • , . _ . _ . ■, èuniia - - ■- - - - 4 _• _ : l i_____ .4 ~ — o -----------------' Deserved Recognition Robert G. Kay, a graduate o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, has been ordained as pastor o f the First Baptist Church of Watts. The public ceremonies were pre­ i j CÏ FORM OF BEQUEST { All bequests should be made to “ Bible Institute of Los |

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