King's Business - 1916 -11

1046 THE KING’S BUSINESS Works of William Evans, Ph. D., D. D. Associate Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles Epoches in the Life of Christ Just issued! A series of addresses How to Memorize

A compact manual o f fundamental principles and best suggestions for memor­ izing, with especial application to Scrip­ ture. Appropriate selections for practice are also’ included. Cloth.................................. :50c. Postage 6c The Great Doctrines of the Bible The doctrines treated are dealt with from the standpoint o f Biblical rather than dogmatic theology. All Scripture passages dealing with the subj ect under considera­ tion are gathered together; from them a representative number is chosen. The text itself, as well as its context and parallel passages are then studied ; and, finally, from the selected' proof texts, the results are placed under appropriate headings. Cloth........ ....................$1.50. Postage 15c “Why I Am Not a Christian Scientist” One of the best lectures on Christian Science ever delivered. Art stock covers......15c each; 8 for $1.00 The Book of Books: What It Is : How to Study It A valuable handbook for individual or class use. Part One deals with the names of the Bible, its inspiration, genuineness and authenticity, canon, languages, versions, general structure, etc. Part Two takes up the interpretation o f the Bible, and its study as a whole, by books, chapters, fopics, words, etc. Cloth...............................$1.00. Postage 8c FIRST EPISTLE OF JOHN Booklet .....................................................5c THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS Booklet ..................................... ............... 15c Soon to come from the publisher’s hands —two volumes, of a series on “Through the Bible Book by Book.” Practical exposi­ tions o f each book o f the Bible. The Pentateuch The first volume o f thé Old Testament series. cio th :.........................................................$1.00 The Gospels and Acts The first volume o f the New Testa­ ment series.

dealing with the birth, baptism, temptation, transfiguration, death and resurrection of our Lord, and presenting cogent and con­ crete arguments for their inviolability and acceptance as chief among the tenets o f the Christian faiths. Couched in popular lan­ guage and presented in popular style. Cloth bound ........................................$1.00 The Book of Genesis One of Dr. Evans’ latest books. The practical and popular expositions o f the Scriptures contained in this volume have been but slightly altered in form from that in which they were delivered to large audi­ ences constituting the Popular Bible Classes. These expositions not only make the Bible authoritative in teaching, but interesting in presentation. Cloth bound ............................................ 50c Personal Soul Winning A guide to the most effective methods for winning men to Christ. Cloth ......... ........ ............,.....................$1.00 How to Prepare Sermons And Gospel Addresses A volume o f practical help for minis­ ters and theological students and also Christian laymen who are called to do the blessed work o f preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Cloth.,,H$1.00. Postage 8c The Christian: His Creed and Conduct Hundreds of eager listeners gained vital help from these lectures. Art stock covers..................................... 25c Cloth.......................... ........ 50c. Postage 6c Outline Study of the Bible With Illustrative Charts This book aids one in getting a bird’s- eye view o f the Bible as a whole; a gen­ eral survey o f the two Testaments in their relation one to the other; the care­ ful study o f each individual book compos­ ing the’ Bible, and a clear understanding of the great topic o f themes o f the Book. Cloth.................................. 50c. Postage 6c The Book Method o f Bible Study In this volume the book method is applied to Malachi, John, Acts, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Hebrews, First John, and the Revelation. Cloth.................................. 50c. ' Postage 6c

Cloth .....................................................$1.00 Advance orders will be received now. Order from the BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Los Angeles, California.

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