King's Business - 1916 -11



SATAN, D. D. D. SATAN, D. D. D. (Director o f Demons in Disguise) is dealing out his Deadly Dope to thousands of Deceived and Deluded Dupes. Doctors Dixon, Gray, Haldeman, Neigh­ bor, Ottman, Tucker and other men of God have subjected his “Quack Remedies” to a Chemical Analysis, Applying the “Acid” Test Under the 1 X-Ray Light of God’s Infal­ lible Word. Not one case proved to be genuine for at the center, beneath the thick layer of sugar coating, every “Pill” was found to contain a deadly poison of sufficient quantity to prove fatal to any person swallowing it. Hundreds of Books have been issued to warn the unsuspecting public. Preachers! Become informed and instruct your audiences. Teachers! See that the warning is given to your classes. Every Christian Everywhere! See that correc­ tive literature is put into the hands of those who are becoming ensnared. The following hooks dealing with the Modern Day Delusions are so low in (price that none should remain longer in ignorance concerning them.

God or Russell, Which? Five startling contrasts (Fowler) .................................. 20e per 100; -per 1,000 1.50 More Data on “ Pastor Russell” (Cook)...„.........................05 False Views of the Person of Christ (Moorehead)............ 05 Two Men and Russelllsm, A Dialogue (Haldeman).—. .10 MORMONISM The Mormons and Their Doctrines (Ritchie)..........—.1.. .05 NEW THOUGHT . New Thought, Its Origin, Nature and Opposition to the Word of God (Weston)......................02;'per doz. .15 Man’s Deification Satan’s Lie (Nicholson)------:.....— .10 ROMANISM Purgatory (Witherby) ...............................................................10 The Roman Catholic Mass and the Bible (Cook)......... ,.02 The Scarlet Woman (Haldeman)..................•.— ...........« .10 Is Romanism Christianity? (Medhurst)................................ 05 The Roman Mass Versus Communion—Conversation in a Roman Catholic Cathedral............ 01; per doz. .10 “ CHRISTIAN” SOCIALISM Rauschenbusch’s “ Christianity and the Social Crisis.” A review (Haldeman).............................................................10 Christ and Social Reforms (Bettex)....................................05 The Christian’s Present Duty (Cook).................. ....¿L ...« .10 Pre and Post Mlllenniallsm (Neighbor)....................... .10 The Folly of Federation (Neighbor).......................................10 Universal “ Brotherhood” —A Snare of Satan (Neigh­ bor) ............ ................................................. ...................... .05 Church and State (Reitzel)......................................................05 The Christian and War (Utting).............................. 05 The Characteristics of the Age (Mauro)..............................10 This Hour Not the Hour of the Prince of Peace. Preached in the Brooklyn Baptist Temple before the New York State. Convention, October 27, 1915, (Haldeman) -------------- -------------------------------- ~... .20 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISM Seventh Day Adventism (Booth).. .05 .10 .05 Seventh Day Adventism (Anderson-Berry)....................... .15 | ............. Ü .io .20 Ought Christians to Keep the Sabbath? (Torrey).. Seventh Day Adventists (Ritchie).. Concerning the Sabbath (Mauro) Hard Nuts for Seventh Daylsts (Cook)....02; per doz. SPEAKING WITH TONGUES Concerning Spiritual Gifts, Especially Tongues (Mauro) ................. ............................ *..__..._________ _ Speaking With Tongues (Pierson).............. 03; per doz. SPIRITUALISM Spiritua11sm (Panton) ......... The Philosophy of Spiritualism (Pink)...........................I Modern Spiritualism (Pollock).................................... ..... A Test for the Supernatural (Panton)........................... SWEDEN BORG IAN, OR “ NEW CHURCH” TEACHING Warning Words .......^¡^.¿..:.:^......L...,................... ....... .05 THEOSOPHY .05 .25 .03 .05 .05 .03

ANNI HILATIONISM, ETERNAL PUNISHMENT Where Are The Dead (Marsh)...........................................$0.05 Will a God of Love Punish any of His Creatures For­ ever? (Marshall) ...................... .................... ..................... 05 Problems of the Soul Life (Mackenzie)............. ..... ...... .15 Life, Death, Hades, Immortality ( B a k e r ) ................. 05 Probation After Death (Panton)................01, per doz. .10 CH RISTA DELPHI AN ISM Christadelphianism; Briefly tested by Scripture (Pol­ lock) ___..¿;___... ----- —.....----------....— ------ ........ 05 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science—Is It Scriptural? (M. Mauro)..............Of Antidote to Christian Science (Gray)................ ................. 75 An Analysis of Christian Science (Haldeman)..................10 The Christian Science Delusion (Dixon)..............................10 What Christian Science Really Is (Gordon)....^.................05 The Masterpiece of Satan (St. Clement).... 01; per doz. Christian Science and the Sin Question .01; per doz. Unvarnished Facts About Christian Science (Bieder­ wolf) ................ liï....... ................................ ............. ............ The Danger of Christian Science ‘ ‘ Healings” (Cook) ,; __________ ____ .............................. 02 ; per doz. .10 .05 The Devil’s Righteousness (Haldeman)----------------- Can Morality Save Us? (Haldeman).............................. Thinking Above What Is Written (Haldeman)............. A Spirit Tested (Jennings)......................... ...__________ The Truth About Evolution (Mauro)............................... Roger’s Reasons, Nos. I and 'll, each..........................«... The Supremacy of the Bible (Cook)........................ ....... The Devil In Cap and Gown (Ottman).......................... Difficulties and Alleged Errors in the Bible (Torrey).... The Gospel In Jonah (Riley)............................................. The Finality of the Higher Criticism, or The Theory of Evolution and False Theology (Riley)........................40 Darwinism, or Is Man a Developed Monkey? (Riley).... God’s Gospel and Satan’s Counterfeit (Brooks and Pink) ............. „.....¿......i.:.,.,..*:.:. ........._______ ____ ____..... Is Jesus Christ Creature or Creator? (Tucker)......_....... Is the Bible the Word' of God? (Sutton)....... .................. 05 The Living and the Written Word (Hadden)............ .05 Our Bible, How We Got It (Leach) ahd Ten Reasons Why I Believe the Bible is the Word of God (Tor­ rey). Both in one. book. Paper, .15; cloth................ 30 God Spake All These Words (Brooks)..,..i.J.......A..... .50 ‘‘ HOLINESS” Sanctification (Mauro). . . . . . . . . . . . __................................. 10 MILLENNIAL DAWNISM The Errors of Millenial Dawnism (Gray)...................... Millennial Dawnism, or the Blasphemous ReHgion Which Teaches the Annihilation of Christ (Halde­ man) ....._____________________.......1...................... ........ .10 .10 .10 .05 .05 .05 .05 .10 .15 25 .02 20 EMMANUELISM Emmanuellsm (Haldeman) __J............. ..................... 1 .10 HIGHER CRITICISM The New Religion (Haldeman)........................ .....................10

.05 .05 10

.10 Theosophy or Christianity: Which) (Haldeman).............. 10 A full list of anti-heresy hooks sent free. Special offer for October and November only: On every 50c order, select 10c worth to he sent free. On every $1 order, select 25c worth to be sent free. Stamps Accepted SWORD & SHIELD TRACT SOCIETY, Market Arcade, BUFFALO, N. Y.

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