Board Converting News, October 11, 2021

CompanyBox (CONT’D FROM PAGE 1 )

Forest Management (CONT’D FROM PAGE 22)

carbon sources or carbon sinks: a forest is considered to be a carbon source if it releases more carbon than it ab- sorbs, which can result from old age, fire, or insects; or it’s considered to be a carbon sink if it absorbs more carbon from the atmosphere than it releases through photosyn- thesis. According to NRCan, Canada’s managed forests have primarily been a carbon sink, but recently there has been a shift and they have become carbon sources, releasing more carbon than storing it, due in large part to wildfires and insect outbreaks, a likely result of a changing climate. This year’s National Forest Week’s theme is “Our for- ests – continually giving,” and the Canadian Institute of Forestry has a number of resources to learn more about the value of forests and the importance of protecting and conserving them. PPEC is pleased to have celebrated National Forest Week, but it’s important to recognize that every day our members are continually working with recycled fibres, continually replanting and regenerating the little that is harvested, and continually adhering to sustainable forest management practices in their operations. Rachel Kagan is Executive Director Paper & Paperboard Packaging Environmental Council (PPEC). Contact her at

65,000-square-foott facility and now has 180,000-square- foot completely dedicated to digital packaging. The ex- pansion offers enough capacity and redundancy to serve customer’s needs within a 10-day window.

The two presses operate side by side, linked via an au- tomated conveyor system. “We can now automate two-sid- ed digital printing utilizing the two HP C500’s with our fully conveyorized facility. About 30 percent of the business is two-sided printing,” explains Louis DeJesus. CONTINUED ON PAGE 26 Known for its flexibility on small to large runs, the C500 de- livers sharp text, barcodes, and smooth tone transitions, all in vivid colors.


October 11, 2021

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