Board Converting News, October 11, 2021

Using LinkedIn (CONT’D FROM PAGE 34)



rithms to help you reach the right decision maker.” This makes finding, tracking, and building relationships through the Linkedin platform even easier. Although it offers many useful features, one important feature is called Lead Builder that allows you to build a list of potential contacts filtered by keyword, company, loca- tion, title, industry, and more. You can also save individual contacts and organiza- tions, creating a customized news feed of your leads and providing up-to-date posts, job changes, etc. in the sales

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navigator news feed. By using Tags, you can group them together in a way that makes sense for your company, for example, by industry. The Sales Spotlight feature highlights prospects that are most likely to engage with you. Sales Spotlight seg- ments prospects in your search that fit into select catego- ries (changed jobs in the last 90 days, share experienc- es with you, follow your company or commented on your company posts, posted or shared content in the last 30 days, mentioned in the news in the last 30 days.) You can use this function to find low hanging fruit. Use the TeamLink Connections Filter, available with Team and Enterprise plans, to find prospects that meet your criteria and share a common first- or second-degree connection. Reaching out to your connection for a warm edintroduction can help you to connect without using your Whether you choose to use all, some, or none of these tips, the true key to creating a steady flow of leads into your sales funnel is consistency. Create a process that you execute daily, weekly, monthly—whatever brings in the flow you need. Make social selling part of your sales strat- egy. Many companies have a social media calendar for scheduling posts, but you should also consider schedul- ing time for prospecting as well. With a solid sales process executed consistently, your sales pipeline growth will soar. Lisa Benson is a Sr. Marketing Content Consultant at Ath- ena SWC, LLC. Reach her at . Inmail message quota. Consistency Is The Key

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October 11, 2021

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