Junior Alleynian 2021

A reimagining of Hamlet’s ‘To be or not to be?’ soliloquy, following theYoung Shakespeare Company visit via Zoomduring the February

lockdown By Max Saul, Year 6

Tobe, or not tobe, that is thequestion. Whether it isworthsuffering theexpensesof life Tobecome immortal todanger,

Or take risks that thehuman instinctsdon’t approve, Tohavesomethingnoworse than thy father’s revenge Nodoubtwouldarise if thy countryof deathwasever exploredbya living soul. But our blankmindsdonot pickup theburningspiritsof thedead. Their experiences, their thoughts Shall never beknown tosuchan innocent soul, about topass the journey to thedead. Thedecision Imustmakeaweaksoul couldnot bear For thisdecisionmayend lives, or keep regret’s immortality, That bodkin inmypossessionhasmanypowers, ofwhich Imust choose which touse. Betweenmy father’s finishedsoul,myown life, andClaudius’s punishment Thoucannot decide in thisuniverse, thisage Have I beenpunished for sinsbeyondmypower? Shall I end thisso I can liveeternal peace, or eternal struggle I shall try tochoosewhat ‘tisnobler? But thydecisioncontains toomuchpower formysoul tohandle, Butwhat I choose in the future Weshan’t knowfor the timebeing.


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