Junior Alleynian 2021

Book Week and Author Visits

n Our Junior School Book Week started with Andy Shepherd, the author of The Boy who Sang with Dragons, who wowed and enthralled us with her tales of dragons and magic. Then, Hilary Robinson talked to us about Mixed Up Fairy Tales. A bestselling author of 50 books, who appeared on BBC News on World Book Day this year, she talked to us about the importance of keeping resolute and facing rejection – whether it be in writing or football. Ross Montgomery, author of Guardians of Magic, explained his fascination with WW2 history, not just of London but Herne Hill, Crystal Palace and Brockwell Park. What to look for? Where to look for clues? The local history was fascinating and, as ever, he was a huge hit with the pupils. World Book Day saw two authors visit us virtually. Debut author Cat Weldon whose hilarious book How to be a Hero, set in Viking times, proved just the perfect foil for teaching boys to write in runes and find their true Viking name. Ross Welford , one of our most popular current authors, is a member of the Magic Circle. He wowed us and we were rapt as he performed amazing magic tricks, then persuaded us to write the first three paragraphs of our future bestselling novels. Friday’s author, Chris Bradford , stunned us into silence with his incredible Samurai moves. We winced as he swung his Samurai sword and he told us how he had trained so that he could research his Young Samurai series…more sharp intakes of breath and incredulity.

Ross Welford

Chris Bradford

What a week it was and what a great way to end this period of Remote Learning.


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