Junior Alleynian 2021

The Persuasive Pirate... WilliamWhite, Year 4

Ahoy all ye wonderful crewmates! I be Gurder Grinner. I know ye never had a captain since that scurvy dog Split plummeted down to his fate in Davy Jones’ locker. Ye have no need to fear beingcaptainlessnolonger! For I,GurderGrinner,shallbeready to take up the role of captain. I vow to be a much greater, nicer, stronger captain than that evil-brained dog always yapping and chasing his tail! First of all, I promise I shall lead the battle at all times and never cower or run away likeSplit did! With all ye brave, brilliant crew we can laugh in the face o danger, wouldn’t ye all like a good captain for once? Secondly, I promise I shall take my anger out not on the crew, but on the enemy unlike that scoundrel ye had before. I shall never even lay a finger o ye all unless ye give consent or I have

to. Ye shall never ever consider amutinywith a captain likeme!

Thirdly, the only things we’ll be stealing are pieces of eight and booty! There will be no more hunting for armies of the dead or portholes open to the past on my watch. I also know where plenty of scattered, beautiful, glistening treasure is in all of the Seven Seas, as you might be able to tell from the infinite jewellery onmy neck. Countless treasures, gold and silver galore, all evenly spread out between everyone on the ferocious maggot. Wouldn’t that be a pleasant change for ye all? Thank you for listening. I, Gurder Grinner, await ye vote of captain with eager anticipation. You wouldn’t vote for anyone else – would you?


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