The Board of Directors of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., has an– nounced the appointment of Mr. Roger Arnebergh as a new member of its group. Mr. Arnebergh is a born-again Christian who for a long time has been interested in the work of BIOLA. In his duties as City Attorney for Los An– geles, he has maintained an outstanding testimony and has been instrumental in leading many to a per-
sonal knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. He has commanded great respect in both civic and church affairs, and the Bible Institute will be blessed greatly by his new association with us. Other members of the Board of Directors are: Mr. J. R. Allder, Mr. Arthur D. Enns, Mr. Jacob C. Eymann, Mr. Harry Hilker, Mr. David Isaac, Mr. Sylvester Marshburn, Mr. Ray Myers, Mr. Daniel Rose, Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Mr. Nelson Dillworth, Mr. Phillip Lehman, Mr. E. ). Peters, Dr. Frank C. Phillips. * • * * * Study yonr Bible at home systematically with a course from the BIOLA CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL. Send for a free descriptive catalog of complete subjects which are offered. Use coupon below.
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Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California Dear Friends:
Please send me the free material checked below: Information on: D How I can actively help as a \'Olunteer caller for the Campus Campaign of BIOLA. D Bible Phophecy Home study notes by Dr. Chester Padgeit. July___ August___ September___. D Study notes on the home, marriage, and di\•orce by Dr. Chester Padgett. D Descriptive catalog on BIOLA colored sound missionary films. For distribution among churches and other organi· zations. D Descriptive catalog of BIOLA correspondence course in– cluding new subjects which are offered. I am enclosing $ or the many ministries of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. NAME.__________________ ADDRESS·- ----------- ------ CITY & STATE.___ _ZONE,_ _ _
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