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Vankleek Hill’s Derek Duval to seek PC nomination


Conservative candidate when the next pro- vincial election rolls around. “It’s my future, it’s my family’s future, it’s my daughter’s future,” he said. Duval’s background includes a bachelor’s degree in business law from Carleton Uni- versity, along with experience as a small business owner running his own company in the construction trade sector. At present he is project manager for Montebello Pack- aging, based in Hawkesbury. He also cited his student summer work on local farms and at the Ivaco Rolling Mill as part of his experience related to being familiar with the working lifestyle of the average resident in Glengarry-Prescott-Russell. “I have the real experience working these kinds of jobs,” he said, adding that he is also active in community affairs through his in- volvement with the Hawkesbury Rotary Club and as a director for the Reality Tour drug awareness and prevention programprovided through partnerships between local school districts and the community. Duval noted that one of the top issues he gets feedback on during his nomination campaign walks-and-talks around the rid- ing is Ontario Hydro. Everyone he talks to, whether a homeowner or a business person, lists the cost of hydro as a worry. “The concern is themounting hydro cost,” he admitted. “They’re all talking about their bills. We have smart meters installed, we have conservationmeasures, people doing their laundry at night when the rate is sup- posed to be cheaper, and still the hydro bill goes up. People can’t keep up.” Duval thinks that Toronto has a “seat heavy” presence in the legislature so that Ontario’s rural issues do not get as much attention as they should. He cited that, along with government mismanagement of Hydro and bureaucracy, as part of the reason for

Good study results Trustees and staff for the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) have reason to be pleased. The younger generations of Upper Canada district students are doing well according to the latest Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) test results. UCDSB Superintendent Valerie Allen reported, during the Oct. 26 board meeting, that the combined overall EQAO results for Grades 3 and 6 classes in the district have increased by 17 per cent since the 2002-2003 school year. Primary reading scores have increased four per cent since the 2011-2012 term, both the junior reading and writing scores have increased seven per cent and six per cent since that same period. The EQAO results are matched against a combined provincial average for all of Ontario’s schools. – Gregg Chamberlain The Vankleek Hill businessman added that dissatisfaction with some of the recent and past policy decisions from the Wynne Liberal government also prompted him to seek nomination as the GPR’s Progressive Derek Duval figures it is time he got off the sidelines and took a more active role in politics. That is one of several reasons he gives for his decision to seek the Progres- sive Conservative candidate nomination in the Glengarry-Prescott-Russell provincial riding. “I’ve always been taught that if you want something done right, you do it yourself,” Duval said during a Sunday phone interview. “And if you want something, you go after it. You don’t sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to hand it to you.”

Derek Duval tentera d’obtenir l’investiture du Parti progressiste-conservateur dans Glengarry-Prescott-Russell en vue des prochaines élections provinciales. Il est la deuxième personne à annoncer sa candidature. L’autre candidate est Amanda Simard d’Embrun. —photo fournie

slow economic growth and lack of jobs in the riding, which forces young people and families to move away. This also results in fewer students available for local schools, which forces school districts to consider school closures to cut back on their opera- tion expenses. Right now there are two confirmed can- didates—Duval and Amanda Simard—for nomination as the Progressive Conservative

choice for the GPR in the next provincial election. Duval noted the most important thing for the riding in the next provincial election is electing anMPP voters are certain will represent the riding. “Nomatter what party we elect,” he said. “It’s important that we elect someone to represent the GPR riding in Toronto, and not Toronto in the GPR.”

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