Campus Commons Physical Therapy - February 2024


Draw Inspiration From Mark Wahlberg

Achieving a healthier you is within reach, regardless of age or fitness level. Mark Wahlberg, the Hollywood icon renowned for maintaining impeccable physical fitness over the years, has a routine that can help you. So, grab your sneakers, lace up, and explore the path to achieving fitness like Mark! RISE AND SHINE Wahlberg is known for his early morning workouts, but there’s no pressure to set your alarm for dawn. Morning exercise has many benefits, including boosting your metabolism and mood, but the key is finding a routine that suits your lifestyle. Whether you prefer sunrise workouts or hitting the gym after work, consistency matters most.

yoga, and swimming into his routine. You don’t have to try every exercise in existence; the goal is to find activities you enjoy. Make exercise a part of your life that you look forward to. A POSITIVE MINDSET Wahlberg’s journey is about more than physical strength; it’s about mental resilience. Staying motivated doesn’t require superhuman determination, just achievable goals and believing in yourself. Visualize your success, big or small, and watch your confidence grow. NOURISH YOUR BODY WISELY Fitness is more than just exercise; nutrition also plays a crucial role. Wahlberg focuses on balanced eating: lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and veggies. Staying hydrated is just as important. Good nutrition and proper hydration are the fuel that powers your fitness journey.

WORK SMARTER, NOT HARDER Wahlberg’s secret isn’t about spending countless hours at the gym; it’s about high-intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT workouts involve short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest. It’s an efficient way to burn calories and build muscle without feeling overwhelmed, making it perfect for beginners and seasoned gym-goers. KEEP IT VARIED AND ENJOYABLE Variety is essential to make fitness fun. Wahlberg keeps things interesting by incorporating weightlifting, boxing,

Wahlberg’s routine isn’t limited by age; it applies to everyone, regardless of where you are on your fitness journey. There’s no need to feel overwhelmed or pressured. Take it one step at a time, embrace the process, and work toward your fitness goals at your own pace. These practical yet effective tips can unlock the secret to staying in great shape. So, lace up those sneakers and join the club — it’s an adventure worth pursuing!

HDL Cholesterol: YOUR HEART’S UNSUNG HERO!? Many of our conversations about cholesterol often focus on the infamous “bad” LDL cholesterol, which increases the likelihood of heart disease and strokes. However, it is important to also highlight the unsung hero — high- density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, which plays a crucial role in defending against cardiovascular risks. Unlike its troublesome counterpart, HDL takes a longer path through the liver, helping to remove “bad” fats from the body and preventing dangerous plaque buildup in our heart and brain arteries. In fact, increasing an HDL score by 1% reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke by an impressive 2%! SO, WHAT ARE HEALTHY HDL LEVELS? Health experts recommend aiming for an HDL level of 60 mg/dL or higher for both men and women to maintain good health. However, it is considered a “danger zone” if the HDL level falls below 40 mg/dL for men and 50 mg/dL for women and above 80 mg/dL for both. So, while having high HDL levels is great, it’s important to maintain a balance and not exceed the limit. HOW CAN I FIND OUT WHAT MY HDL LEVELS ARE? To better understand the cholesterol levels in your blood, you will need to undergo a comprehensive lipid panel or lipid profile. The test will examine LDL, HDL, and triglycerides and provide information about your heart disease and stroke risk. Additionally, it can identify any genetic factors affecting your cholesterol levels.

HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR HDL SCORE If you want to boost your HDL cholesterol levels, you can do several simple things to see improvements. • Exercise for a Healthy Heart: Interval training (pushing yourself harder for 30 or 60 seconds during your workouts) effectively raises HDL levels and lowers LDL levels, providing a “bang-for-your-buck” strategy. • Quit Smoking: Quitting smoking can increase HDL levels by 15%–20% within six weeks! • Nutrition Matters: One way to protect against cardiovascular disease is by adopting a diet rich in plant-based foods and healthy fats, such as the Mediterranean diet. This includes staples like avocados, nuts, and omega-3-rich fish such as salmon and sardines, which can boost HDL. • Mindful Alcohol Consumption: Moderation is key when it comes to alcohol because heavy drinking raises LDL levels. Women should limit themselves to one drink daily, while men should stop at two. 2

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