Legacy Quarterly Fall 2023

where the real transformation happens—when we’re in it together.” These interactive sessions provide a space for entrepreneurs to share challenges, receive guidance, and celebrate victories in a community that goes beyond geographical boundaries. A 5-Year Legacy of Transformation: Quotes from the Pioneers As the mentorship program celebrates its five-year milestone, Frisella and Mylett reflect on the impact they’ve witnessed in the lives of entrepreneurs who’ve embraced the Arete philosophy. “We’ve seen businesses scale, but more importantly, we’ve seen individuals transform,” Frisella remarks. “It’s not just about the numbers; it’s about the mindset, the resilience, and the character that gets built along the way.” Mylett chimes in, “Our legacy isn’t in the success stories of businesses alone; it’s in the community of empowered individuals who are changing the narrative of what’s possible.” The Entrepreneurial Journey: A Symphony of Arete Syndicate As entrepreneurs embark on the journey with Frisella and Mylett, the symphony of Arete unfolds—a harmonious blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary grit. The mentorship program is not a mere curriculum; it’s an immersive experience that resonates with the challenges and triumphs of the entrepreneurial soul.

“Arete is not a destination; it’s a journey,” reflects Frisella. “It’s the relentless pursuit of excellence in every facet of your life. It’s about waking up every day and saying, “I will be better today than I was yesterday.” This commitment to daily improvement echoes the Greek philosophy that underpins Arete, where virtue and excellence are not static achievements but dynamic pursuits, ever-evolving and resilient in the face of adversity. Mylett adds, “The entrepreneurial journey is a test of character. It’s not just about building businesses; it’s about building individuals who can weather the storms and emerge stronger on the other side.” Shaping the Future of Entrepreneurial Leadership Amid America’s challenges, Andy Frisella and Ed Mylett stand as beacons of entrepreneurial leadership. Their mentorship program, Arete, is not just a response to business needs but a

call to arms for those who believe entrepreneurs are the architects of societal change. In a landscape where the political and corporate spheres seem inadequate to address the complexities of the present, Frisella and Mylett’s passion for Arete shines as a guiding light As they continue to shape the future of entrepreneurial leadership, the legacy they are building reaches beyond business success—it’s a testament to the transformative power of individuals who are committed to becoming the best versions of themselves for the betterment of society. The essence of Arete resonates, motivating entrepreneurs to expand their businesses and uplift their capabilities, thereby contributing to a future where success is defined by excellence and virtue.

Legacy Quarterly


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