Legacy Quarterly Fall 2023

A s the world of private individuals and businesses seeking unparalleled luxury, convenience, and flexibility in their air travel. In this detailed exploration, Paul Woodford, an expert from Legacy Jets, delves into the various types of jet charter memberships, aviation continues to soar to new heights, jet charter memberships have emerged as a sought-after solution for unraveling the intricacies, pros, and cons. Discerning travelers

must understand the landscape fully, considering business stability, flexibility, and potential pitfalls. 1. Fractional Jet Ownership:The Shared Sky Fractional jet ownership, a concept pioneered by companies like NetJets, represents a shared ownership model where multiple individuals or businesses collectively own a private jet. This

approach allows participants to enjoy the benefits of private aviation without the financial burden of sole ownership.


Cost Sharing: Fractional ownership provides a shared financial responsibility, making private jet travel more accessible while spreading the cost among the members.


Legacy Quarterly

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