Legacy Quarterly Fall 2023

these biases. Ensuring fairness and equity in AI requires careful consideration of the training data and continuous monitoring to mitigate discriminatory outcomes.

security vulnerabilities to manipulate AI algorithms, leading to severe consequences. Robust cybersecurity measures are imperative to safeguard against these threats.

Ethical Use of AI

• Transparency and Explainability

Developers and organizations should prioritize transparency and explainability to ensure ethical AI use. Users and stakeholders should clearly understand how AI systems make decisions, and developers should be committed to addressing any biases that may arise.

• Lack of Transparency

Ethical Dilemmas

Many AI algorithms operate as black boxes, making it challenging to understand their decision- making processes. Lack of transparency can erode trust, especially in critical healthcare or criminal justice applications. Efforts to develop explainable AI (XAI) are essential to address this issue and ensure accountability.

AI raises ethical questions, especially in areas like autonomous vehicles, facial recognition, and advanced surveillance systems. Balancing technological progress with ethical considerations is a complex task, demanding continuous dialogue and the creation of robust ethical frameworks. considerations is a complex challenge that requires ongoing dialogue and the establishment of ethical frameworks.

Inclusive Design

AI systems should be designed with inclusivity in mind. This involves considering diverse perspectives during development, testing, and implementation to minimize biases and ensure that the technology benefits all population segments.

• Security Concerns

As AI systems become more sophisticated, so do the potential risks associated with them. Malicious actors could exploit


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