King's Business - 1917-08



of weeks after she left f o r a s a n ita riu m , no doubt never to r e tu rn , as she is fa r gone in tuberculosis, b u t. she said when leaving, “ I thank God that you came to our house,” and, her husband has asked me to write her a letter occasionally as it comforts her. I am hoping for her hus­ band and he has let me pray for him. While she is not as yet entirely clear from Romanism, still she bears the evidences of the new birth. At Bellridge, Lost Hills, Reward, McKjtt- rick and many other places, we have held on an average of seven services each week, either teaching the Bible or holding gospel services. It is encouraging to see the in­ terest there is in the truth of the Lord’s coming: As one said, “We-feel something great is going to happen,” and the world feels it too. A few are taking hold of the truth. We felt quite a little encouraged one evening, when an opportunity was given for those who wished to give thanks to God to speak, as one lady got up and said even if Reward was on the desert, and

with all its discomforts, she thanked God she and her husband ever came, as she had learned the truth of God there. The'se two' dear people are planning to give their lives to Christian service. At 25 Hills, (well named for it is “all hill”), which we usually make about once a month, we have a number of devoted people who study God’s Word. We take up the book of Ephesians this month. This month we have had the usual num­ ber of accidents in the fields—four deaths. Just before writing this note we took the hand of a broken hearted wife, as her hus­ band lay in his coffin, and tried to give her comfort. The poor fellow had fallen off a rig. And so they are passing out, many dying without Christ. These boys are try­ ing to make themselves happy without the Lord Jesus, turning their backs on their best friend ; how sad it is ! Will you please pray that we may be given wisdom and faith and faithfulness in dealing with men, and that God will give us more of the power of the Spirit in.presenting the truth.

WORK AT CLUB Marion H. Reynolds, Supt.

I T is a blessed privilege we have day by day, of sowing the seed and reaping it as it springs up into everlasting life. How great is the responsibility of giving out God’s Word! It is a saviour of 'life unto life, or of death unto death. Especially has it been a great blessing the past month. It seems that everywhere men are begin­ ning to listen to the Gospel of the Son of God. Men who would' hardly look at a church, much less go to it, are being brought by the Holy Spirit to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. An illustration o f this o c c u rre d o n ly last month. A n e ld e rly m a n cam e in to th e Club room and sat down. At the close of

the meeting he was spoken to about his soul. His reply was that it could not do him any good. After dealing with him for some time it was found that he never had any desire to go to Church, had never gone to a Sunday school, and had never owned a Bible. Think of this! A man in Los Angeles,< in the State of California, who had never had a Bible! But he had read the Gospel on some of the faces of Christians he had known, and could not overlook that. Let us stop here and ask ourselves,—what kind of a Gospel are peo­ ple reading from our faces ? H e c o u ld n o t g e t a ro u n d the fact, how­ ever, that there was no peace for the

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