King's Business - 1917-08



altogether, who seem to be isolated from the towns. They seem quite receptive to the gospel, and said that they had never heard it so plain before. We left some Gospels with them and promised to return. We have been there several times since, and: each time this group of twenty-five come together. We are trusting that many from this group shall accept the Lord.

received Christ, and say it is so much easier to work now. ' With the warm weather, we find many of the camps nearly abandoned, some going to the beet fields and to fruit picking, and not a few have returned to Mexico, so that now we have to follow them to the ranches. Qn one ranch that we have visited we found five or six families, from 25 to 30

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WORK OF THE BIBLE WOMEN Mrs. T. C. Horton, Supt.

O NE day we passed a tiny cottage almost hidden with vines on the rear of a long lot. Something suggested we turn back and go in. We did so, and found' sad faced heavy burdened woman. At the question, “Do you know Jesus as your friend ?” she replied wearily, “O ! I am doing the best I can, and I guess that’s all any’ one can do.” Then we asked her if we might tell her what He had and did mean in our life. And as we told in simple words the plan of salvation and something of God’s great love, the tears ran down her face and she said, “Do you know I never heard it like that before.” And -when we asked df she would really receive Him as her Saviour, she said, “Yes, indeed,” and we left her with a new light in her eyes andi a Gospel of John in her hand that she promised to read. Going out one day on the Lord’s business the Spirit led very definitely to a lady in the park sitting on a bench aloné. After a short conversation, we found, because of a iriend who deceived her, she had lost faith in everyone, even the Lord, whom 'she had once loved. When asked, was she happy, she said, with tears, Oh no, I am most miserable,” and then, there under the blue sky, we had the joy of leading the wanderer back to her Father’s home. With a smiling face so different from the

one that had greeted us, she said, “Oh how glad I am you spoke to me.” In the afternoon Bible Class, a nine year old boy is a regular attendant. He studies the lesson and his chapter summary is exceptionally clear and discriminating. This boy’s interest began through some dispensational studies given with the chart in a C. E. Bible class, which was held in his church. When the studies closed in the church, he came with his mother to the afternoon class. In an evening meet­ ing of the class for men and women, this boy accepted Christ and gives evidence of a real work of grace having been done in his heart. In contrast with this beautiful conver­ sion is that of an old man eighty-six, who lay dying in a down-town boarding house kept by Christian Scientists. The Bible Woman was asked to go to see him, and if possible lead him to Christ. When asked if he expected soon to see Jesus, he said, “No, he was not good enough ever to see Jesus.” Then the Bible Woman told him how Jesus had come to save sinners, and that God had sent her there just to show him how he might be saved. As simply as possible, the way of salvation was made plain, and then with folded hands and closed eyes, that dear old man prayed this prayer of the Publican, “God be merciful

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