King's Business - 1917-08

676 THE KING’S BUSINESS cate tangle there seems to be—Christianity, Mohammedanism, Buddhism and Zoroasterism, and all the forms and phases of materialistic and spirit­ ualistic philosophy. Then Christianity itself! What a conflict of rival theol­ ogies ! Where is the truth to be found ? “What -is truth ?” Like Pilate, many have given it up, some because they fear they cannot find it, and still more1because they would rather not find it. The intellectual perplexity In which they find themselves is a comfort to them in their sins, and they hug it to their bosoms, instead of endeavoring to be rid of it and its paralyzing effects. But to every serious minded man and woman it is a great relief, unspeakable joy, to find some certainties among this endless mass of Uncer­ tainties, to find something to stand upon and to be able to say, here at last I have solid rock under my feet. Having found one certainty, we can from that vantage ground discover another and from that still another, and so on until the whole glorious sphere of God’s eternal truth begins to burst Upon one’s enraptured gaze. Whosoever will can find one absolute certainty, and that is, that there is an absolute difference between right and wrong. It may be difficult oftentimes tp decide what is right ‘and what is wrong in a specific instance ,but that there is an absolute difference between right and wrong in itself there can be no question. Here then is one certainty to start with, and anyone who will start with that and take his stand upon it with the determina­ tion that he will follow the right wherever it carries him, at any cost, will soon find other things that are absolutely certain. of the free peoples of western civilization over German autocracy. The Boston Transcript says regarding these declarations that they seem- “almost to create a new citizenship, a new allegiance—the citizenship of a Greater Republic of ultimate democracies and an allegiance to the future League of Peace which shall rest on the understanding that the civic liberties of Europe and America are not again to be disturbed by the attempts at tyrannical domination.” He goes on to say further, “this great Triple Understanding can no more fail than the eventual resplendent rising of the sun upon a long night’s darkness can fail.” We have nothing to say about the rather cheap rhetoric, for a paper of the literary standing of the Transcript, found in these words, but we have something to say about its absolutely baseless and unscriptural hope. A citizen of the U. S. is a citizen of the U. S. and as a citizen he has his responsibilities and his duties, sometimes, as at the present time, very grave responsibilities and very grave duties, but his other citizenship is not in any “Greater Republic of ultimate democracies” but in heaven, and it is from that place of his ultimate citizenship that he is expecting the Saviour to come. (Phil. 3:20, 21). He is the “Sun” of righteousness who is to soon burst upon this earth after its “long night’s darkness,” a darkness which did not begin with the present wqr, though it has been accentuated by the present war. Our present civilization The Hope of the Christian and the Hope of the Worldly Politician. A great many of our legislators and apparently most of our great daily newspapers have been quite swept off their feet with enthusiasm over the commissions that have come to this country from England, France and Italy, especially have they been Carried away by Mr. Balfour’s expression of confidence in the joint victory

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