King's Business - 1917-08

678 THE KING’S .BUSINESS arms but by shortage of food, and this shortage of food in its worst aspects is entirely due to the waste of foodstuffs in manufacturing them into destroy­ ing drink: Our legislators could have stopped this long long ago, but they have not done it. We are beginning to féar that they will not do it soon enough to be of great help. They will have to do it ultimately, but the fear is that they will do it too late. The President of the U. S. has sufficient influencé and power if he will exert his influence in that direction as stren­ uously and intelligently as he has exerted it in other directions, to put an immediate stop to this waste. We are told that he has said that he is waiting to hear from the country, but why should he wait to hear from the country? He has not waited to hear from the country in other things that he has done where he knew what ought to be done. As |fa r as that is concerned, if he would read the papers he would have heard from the country, and doubtless he knows what the feeling of the overwhelming majority of the country is. Why don’t he act? If this country and the allies fail in the present awful conflict, it will be because they, are betrayed, and unless something is* done immediately to stop this waste of necessary foodstuffs, the betrayers will be the President of the U. S. and our national legislators. come short of the glory of *God” (Rom. 3 :23), but we know it without the Bible, we know it from our own consciousness. The consciousness of sin is universal. Men may try to persuade themselves by a subtle and thoroughly false philosophy that “sin is an illusion,” that it is only “mortal thought,” that it has no real existence; but in our inmost soul we all know we are sinners. Any philosophy that denies the reality of sin and the guilt of the individual man, is so utterly contrary to the universal consciousness that though we may try to shut our eyes to facts, the consciousness of sin will constantly assert itself, and we can find no abiding peace along that line.. The sacrifices that one finds offered in all lands is simply the expression of man’s universal consciousness of sin and the universal sense of the need of a Saviour. Every man knows, no matter how steadfastly he may try to deny it, that he needs a Saviour from the guilt of the sins he is committing. He knows that he needs someone or something to blot out and cover up those sins. Every man also who has ever made a definite attempt to lead a holy life knows that he needs a Saviour from the present power of sin. It is absolutely certain that every man is a sinner and needs a Saviour. We don’t need to go to the Bible to find that out. This truth may have a clearer statement in the Bible than elsewhere, that “all have sinned and An Absolute Certainty.

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