King's Business - 1917-08



transformation wrought “by the renewing of our minds,” i.e., having our minds made .anew by the regenerating power of the Holy 1 Ghost (cf. Titus 3:5; John 3:3-7). No transformation will endure or be thor­ ough-going unless it is an outward trans­ formation that comes from an inward regeneration. The purpose of this trans­ formation by the inward renewing, or mak­ ing anew, of our whole being is to the end that we may put to the test the will of God which is “good and acceptable (more literally, well pleasing) and perfect.” God is calling everyone of us to the very thing to which He called the believers in Rome through the Apostle Paul, viz. to come out from the world and be separate (cf. 2 Cor. 6:17-7:1), and to refuse to take our fash­ ions- from it; and in this way, and in this way alone, Can we have the joy of putting to the test and proving by glad experience how good and well pleasing and perfect the will of God is. Monday, August 13 . Rom. 12 : 3 - 8 . One of the almost universal failings of men is to think of themselves more highly than they ought. Even the men who seem to be the most humble are really not humble enough. Their apparently poor opinion of themselves is oftentimes the outcome of a really over-exalted opinion of themselves. We should think of ourselves not as pos­ sessed of any good quality in ourselves, but just as what we are according to the measure of faith that God has dealt to us. Every believer is a member of the body, and just as all the members of a human body have not the same office, but one mem­ ber is for one purpose, e.g. hearing, and another member is for another purpose, walking, and another member is for another purpose, working, just so it is with the body of Christ, each believer is a member of that body, and has some func­ tion, and each believer is a member of every other believer. Our gifts differ according to the grace Which God has seen fit in H is infinite wisdom to bestow upon us (cf. 1 Cor. 12:4-11). God gives to, some

them, but he beseeches them. The basis of his exhortation is the “mercies of God” ; because God is so merciful, it is out duty to present our bodies to Him a living sacri­ fice. The reference is to the whole burnt offering of the Old Testament where the entire body was brought to God to be consumed. But we bring our bodies to God, every part of them, feet, hands, eyes, ears, and every other part of the body, not to be consumed, but a living sacrifice to be used. What we thus present to God he accepts .and uses. Because the body is given to God it becomes holy as set apart for Him. This offering is “acceptable (more literally, well pleasing) to God.” Nothing brings to God greater delight than our offering our whole body to Him to be His from the crown of the head to the sole of the feet. But not only is it accept­ able to God, but this is our “reasonable service.” The Greek word translated “reasonable” in this verse in the American Standard Revision (not in the English Revision) is translated “spiritual,” but there is no warrant whatever for such a translation, there is nothing in the word at all that indicates it. The word so trans­ lated is a part of the word “logikos,” from which we get our word logical. Its mean­ ing is “rational” or “agreeable to reason,” “following reason.” Even though thought may not be that this service is a reasonable thing to do, at all events it means a worship which is rendered by the reason, and the word “spiritual” is unwarranted. Though it is a body that is offered, it is the reason­ able part of man that offers the body. A further obligation resting upon us is not to be fashioned according to this age. A great deal is said in these days, or was a few years ago, about the “Zeitgeist,” or spirit of the times, as something that we should follow. But Paul tells us distinctly that we should not follow the spirit of the times, that we should not get our fashions from the prevailing spirit of the age or world. But there is only one way in which we can keep from being fashioned accord­ ing to this age, and that is by a complete

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