King's Business - 1917-08



praise the Lord. This great truth is found not the Psalms (Ps. 117:1) but also in Deuteronomy 32 :43 and Isaiah 11:10. More than lO O O Persons in the past two and one-half years have sub­ scribed for one of' our two C orrespondence C ourses in Bible Prophecy and only one wrote back a complaint. T hat one received money order in full by return mail and a kind letter with it. Series I—20 Lessons in B ible Prophecy $1.00 Series II—20 Lessons in R evelation $1.00 Ours is the simplest of correspondence systems. We do all the correspondence and you get all the benefit, A L esson S heet Each W eek for 20 W eeks or in any way you like. Scores of m inisters of .a dozen or more denominations are among our students, and many of theni have had th eir m inistry revolutionized by the study. But the system is simple enough for any person who can intelligently read. Send tis a dollar for either course by next mail. We recommend Series I be taken first. UNION B IB LE SEM INARY W estfield, Indiana

Rome (vs. 7-13). He urges them to receive one another as Christ also had received them. He is goiftg back in his thought to what he had written in the first verse of the preceding chapter. Then he goes on to the wonderful thought that it is “toi the glory of God” that Christ has received us. Christ was given His office in Order that He might “confirm the prom­ ises given Unto the fathers”, on the one side, and on the other side that “the Gentiles (also) might glorify God.” He quotes again from the Old Testament (Ps. 18) to show that God from the beginning had the Gentiles and their conversion to Him in His thought and plan. The Gentiles were to rejoice with Israel, His people, and the time is coming when all the Gentiles shall

u i The King’s Business a n d “Our H o p e ” Two Magazines to NEW Subscribers only Both One Year to One Address To Foreign Subscribers $2.00 for $1.50 M a k e orders payable to BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES S I X T H A N D H O P E S T R E E T S L O S A N G E L E S , C A L ., U . S . A .

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