Testimonials for the Showcase SW

“What a fantas6cally inspiring event. I made some excellent contacts, three of whom I've already had a mee6ng with to discuss ways of promo6ng Fudgbomz, a new TBB product. I've bought Brad Burton's first book and started following a lot more people on TwiJer. Thank you!” Ali Walsh, The Bristol Bakehouse

“The BSSW 2014 was a great event and one of very few to which I am already looking forward to the next one. WELL DONE!!!” Sash von R, Sales & Account Manager, Innovate Ltd

"It was a really good event. Lots of varied exhibitors, and some very useful seminars. The keynote speaker was inspira6onal, and I even entered the pitching compe66on which was a very enjoyable and suppor6ve event. Highly recommended". Claire Stone, Claire Stone Nutri$on

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