Testimonials for the Showcase SW

“Great event. Worth the trip. Met some great people.” Jason Ayers, ma- design.biz

“I found the day very interes6ng with the varied industries covered and the focus on SME's. The keynote speakers were very interes6ng and presented well again aimed at the SME's. I would recommend the event to any new business or ones looking to grow.” Michael Parsons - Engineering Energy

“Fantas6c day not only to discover many new ventures but also many opportuni6es to network with local businesses. Inspiring speakers with an ability to connect and enthuse the audience.” Kerry Kitchen, Stannah LiW Services Limited

“The event was an opportunity to meet many people and hear some brilliant keynote speeches.” WMB, abelard-uk.com

“The event was extremely well thought out & supported which made the event seem effortless - I was impressed by the aJendees and guest speakers” Margaret Stewart, Eddisons

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