DOC #2017-0135243 Page 42 of 67
Section 7_9_ Appeal. In the event plans and specifications submitted to the Architectural and Aesthetic Committee are disapproved, then the Owner may appeal in writing to the Board. The written request must be receivedby the Board not morethanforty-five (45) days following the final decision oftheArchite cturalandAestheticCommittee. Within forty-five (45) daysfollowing receipt ofthe request for appeal, the Board sh all hold an open meeting to consider the appeal and make a decision regarding the appeal. Failure of the Board to render a decision within the forty-five (45) day period shall be deemed a decision in favor of theOwner. Section 7.10. Approval by Individual Architectural and Aesthetic Committee Member. Approval of plans and specifications by any individual f.rchitectural and Aesthetic Committee member is allowed, except as otherwise provided in the Architectural and Aesthetic Rules. Section 7.11. Completion ofImprovements. Unl� expressly extended in writing by the Board orArchitecturaland Aesthetic Committee, allImprovements must be completed within one (1) year from thecommencement ofconstruction ofany approvedImprovement uponaLot.Notwithstanding the foregoing, theArchitectural andAestheticCommittee orBoard can specifya shortertime period in whichanyImprovement needs to be completed, depending on the scope of the construction. Section 7.12. Inspection. Any member or agent oftheArchitecturaland Aesthetic Committee or Board may, from time to time, at any reasonable hour or hours and upon reasonable Individual Notice, enter and inspect any Lot for the purpose ofcarrying out its duties.
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