1st Reading - Restated A&A Rules

OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Exhibit O - Shade Structure Application for Shade Structure (Attachment to Permit Application for L ot modification dated _________ ...J

Provide the following information on proposed Shade Structure : 1. To-scale drawing showing location ofShade structure on lot, including setbacks from property lines. 2. Shade Structure specifications as to its structure, including the fabric selection and color of the structure canopy.

3. Proposal installation method, including manufacturer's specifications.

Note: Approval of the shade structure placement on a lot will take into consideration lot shape, location, proximity to common areas and golf course, and placed to minimize impacts on neighbors (i.e., interfere with views and/or privacy).

Submitted by : ____________________ L ot # ___________

( Signature ofOwner)


D isapproved

B y : ______________________D ate : ___________ _ (A&A Committee Chair) If a pproved, final ins p ection to be scheduled within two days of installation. Final Approval By: __________________ D ate : ___________ (A&A Committee/General Manager)

I (we) agree to comply with the A&A Rules on Shade Structures printed on pg. 2 &3 of this application.

Owner Signature: ___________________ D ate : _______ L ot # _____

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