Biola Broadcaster - 1962-02

THE DEITY OF CHRIST (cont.) world by the Word of His power. In fact, He is the Living Word of Truth incarnate. The divine holiness was His in eternity and was manifest while He walked the earth. He was sinless in such a way that His enemies were re­ duced to the most ridiculous ways of finding fault with Him. He was perfect in the Biblical sense of maturity. He was guileless. There was absolutely no air of artificiality about the Lord. His wisdom, thoughts, and teachings were those of God Himself. At the time of His earthly life, He was recognized as a Rabbi worthy of being tested by His enemies. He was able accurately to reduce the teachings of Judaism to its essentials and with confidence improve upon them. Some testified that no man ever spake as He spake. His disciples considered that they could go no place else and receive such words of eternal life. His power was and is omnipotent. He was able to still the waves and He is capable of smashing the kingdoms of this world at the proper tipie. The love of Christ is the very love of God which flows unreservedly from His be­ ing. A. W. Tozer has aptly said that God’s love is “not something God has and which may grow or diminish or cease to be. His love is the way God is, and when He loves He is simply being Himself.” Thus, Christ’s love was an everlasting love. Christ’s faith­ fulness is as sure as that of the Fath­ er. Even if we believe not, yet He abides faithful. He cannot deny Him­ self. This is an aspect of His life: The Lord Jesus is eternal as the Father is eternal. He is the same yesterday, to­ day and forever. The Implications Of The Deity Of Christ The implications of the Deity of Christ are staggering. Think what is involved for Christ personally because He is very God. Death did not, yea, could not keep Him prey. He arose triumphantly. Because He is the Son, He is heir to all of the riches of heaven and earth. The Son of God yes, and the sons of God possess all which the

Heavenly Father controls. Because He is the Son of God He is beloved of the Father. No such love could exist like the mutual, love of the Father and Son except it be that of the Son for His Church. Because He is God, Jesus Christ is destined to rule the world. Therefore He will hold steadfastly to His purpose and not be thwarted until He has set justice and righteousness in the earth. Every knee will some day bow to Him! The implications of the Deity of Je­ sus Christ are delightful to the child of God, but fearful for the man who seeks to avoid His Lordship. To refuse Him after facing His claims, is to in­ sult God and to refuse the love of the most worthy person in the universe. To live independently of Christ is to challenge Him to a test of wills and to try one’s own sustenance of natural life to the uttermost. Specifically to sin against Christ is to incite the wrath of the God who will loose the seals of the wrath at the time of the end. To take His name in vain is to per­ vert one’s highest ability namely, to glorify God. To omit Jesus Christ from your life is to have failed to live at all. If God is, and if Jesus Christ is God, and if man was made for fellow­ ship with God then not to know Him is to live far short of life in its full­ ness. To the Christian, the Deity of Christ is both delightful and awe-inspiring. We base our life, our hope, our all upon the death of the Son of God who loved us enough to die for us. This means that the entire meaning of any life has been changed. We begin our outlook with the most exalted God serving the meanest of creatures to the absolute uttermost. We cannot live like other men. Our understanding of Christ’s death on our behalf makes this impossible. But further, our new life in Christ makes us akin to God the Son. We also are sons or children of God. We bear the same relationship to the Father as Christ does, and we are even indwelt by the same Spirit as that God-man. We are even to look like Him when we come with Him. 10

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