Biola Broadcaster - 1962-02

This We Believe

The Dispensations

by Nickolas Kurtanek, Th.D. Ass't. Prof, of Biblical Studies

A s a system of Biblical interpreta­ tion, Dispensationalism has been controversial ever since it became popu­ lar during the nineteenth century. Consequently, throughout the years it has been misrepresented by its op­ ponents, and even misunderstood by many who have professed to embrace it. Thus, in spite of the objections raised against Dispensationalism, all of which have been adequately an­ swered, we, at Biola College, believe and teach that a sane dispensational approach to Scripture is still the best method of understanding the great plan of God. Therefore, it is my pur­ pose to point out briefly what are con­ sidered the major excellencies of this system to which we adhere. I. It Harmonizes Scripture. Passages which appear contradictory are har­ monized because the literal, historical, and grammatical methods of interpre­ tation are applied consistently. Furthermore, it observes, carefully, the different dispensations in accord with progressive revelation. The dis­ pensational approach, then, interprets the words of Scripture according to their normal meaning in the light of their historical setting, paying strict attention to the immediate and broad context. This method enables one to discern correctly the distinct rules of life which governed man’s relationship to God throughout the historical peri­ ods outlined in Scripture. Law and grace are not confused! Israel and the Church are seen in their proper Scrip­ tural perspective. While acknowledg­

ing these dispensational distinctives, it is to be observed that all dispensation- alists abide by the divine dictum that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God (God-breathed) . . .” (II Tim. 3:16, 17). II. It Explains History Adequately. The course of history is an insoluble riddle without rhyme or reason to many scholars who represent various branches of learning but w h o do not consider seriously the facts which are in God’s Word. While Scripture, per se, is not a philosophy of history, it does contain the only sane and satis­ factory explanation for history, and traces its broad outline with amazing precision from beginning to end. It submits the only satisfactory explana­ tion relative to the origin, purpose, and destiny of man. This is obviously true because history is merely the unfold­ ing of God’s eternal plan revealed in Scripture. It is presumed that all Conservative theologians agree with the above gen­ eralizations; unfortunately, all do not agree upon the method by which his­ tory is being disclosed nor the man­ ner of its consummation. We believe that Dispensationalism, alone, is in keeping with Divine revela­ tion, for it explains intelligently, and adequately, the progress and termina­ tion of history. This is sustained by the fact that the Dispensational structure harmonizes with the plan of God, un­ folding the course of history in a logi­ cal, chronological, and systematic way. Beyond this, in view of its consistent 20

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