Ireland's Electrical Magazine 98 Aug-Sept


AFTER a fluorescent to LED lighting refit in NI.

customers and decision-makers that this could present further hidden costs and problems. Just switching LED tubes may require the luminaire wiring to be adapted and tested to ensure that it still meets safety requirements. LED tubes are also 20 to 30% less energy efficient than a full LED replacement, have a shorter lifetime, and often come with reduced warranties. Present this as an opportunity The reason why so many traditional fluorescent lamps have been ignored is the capital cost of replacement, and for some, the new legislation will feel like an unwelcome expense, particularly at a time when so many businesses are dealing with many other high material and labour costs. But I think this can, and should, be presented and overcome as an opportunity. The latest LED lighting, when combined with good design and control systems, can reduce electricity consumption by up to 80% – at a time when energy has never been more expensive. LEDs can also deliver great quality of light, and, when used with the correct optics, can produce evenly distributed illumination along with good glare control.

BEFORE a fluorescent to LED lighting refit in NI.

Good lighting is proven to have a positive impact on the wellbeing and productivity of staff, as well as other people who use the space. So, regardless of the new legislation, I would see the demise of the T5, T8 or compact fluorescent lamps as an opportunity to recommend a full LED replacement, as the payback for customers will probably be faster than they anticipate. Finally, it is important to note that not all LEDs are the same, and although cheaper, low-quality LED lighting will deliver immediate energy efficiency benefits and keep customers happy in the short term, they may not produce the required lighting quality and scheme and will most

likely have a short lifespan, so make sure you factor that into your decision making. Whitecroft Lighting Based in Greater Manchester, in the Northwest of England, Whitecroft has been manufacturing high-quality commercial lighting for almost 80 years, and although my focus is on Northern Ireland, we also distribute across the Republic. Whitecroft has recently supplied major lighting installation projects at the new University of Ulster Campus, the Lisburn Community Care and Treatment Centre, and a series of new leisure facilities - including the South Lakes and Robinson Centres.

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