VOL. 2, NO. 10
In answer to hundreds of requests, the October, November and earlv December broadcasts of the Bible Institute Hour will feature ~erse by verse studies of the book of Revelation con– ducted by Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, outstanding theologian and Director of the Talbot Theological Seminary. Class notes will be offered in two sections, the first of which will be available only during the month of October, while the second will be offered during November. Listeners are invited to use the coupon on the inside of this issue to obtain copies of the first month's notes, free and postpaid. At the completion of the series in the early part of December, permission has been granted by the Mutual Don Lee Network to devote an entire half hour in answering any questions which members of the audience have sent in concerning difficult portions of the Prophetic Book. (Ordinarily, only one-half of the program may be devoted to speech.) Be sure to listen every Monday. Wednesday and Friday for this new series on the book of Revelation and remind your friends to tune in as well. look for in this issue:
prayer requests
PRAYER . .. for the work of our Biola Field Representatives as they call on the homes of friends here in the West to have prayer and fellowship with them, and to explain something of the ever-growing world-wide ministry of the School. PRAISE ... for the many answers to prayer which are being experienced in our daily staff meetings on behalf of radio listeners. Wonderful letters of salvation have been received, and God has united many families together in Christian love in response to intercessory prayer. (Each day we join with those of our audience who have special burdens and petitions. You are cordially invited to send in your requests, handled in strictest confidence.) PRAYER ... . for continuing special needs in our radio budget. We are faced wi th possible curtailment in services because of requirements which have not been met. We believe prayer works, because God works through prayer, so won't you join with us in asking that He would burden the hearts of those who are able to give, so that this important ministry may continue. PRAISE ... for the many hundreds of young people enrolled this year in Biola's four schools. This year's student body, more than ever before denotes a serious attitude of spiritual develop– ment as the young people keenly sense the intensely growing critical situation across the face of the world. Pray that God will continue to burden their hearts with His perfect place of service. 20th annual memorial conference In memory of the first Dean of the Bible Institute, Dr. R. A. Torrey, the 20th annual Torrey Memorial Bible Conference will be held January 16th through the 23rd at the Church of the Open Door and nine other cooperating churches in the Southland area. Speakers will include Dr. Arthur Whiting, Dr. John Wimbish, Dr. Archer Weniger, Dr. North– coate Deck, Dr. Blaine Bishop, and Dr. Archer Anderson. .... .... •... .... .... .... (CLIP OUT AND MAIL TODAY) BIOLA BROADCASTER Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif. Dear Sirs: Please send me free copies of the checked material: D The Septem~er messages on "Heaven. the Eternal Home of the Believer," given by Dr. Louis T. Talbot. D The October verse by verse study course given by Dr. Charles L. Feinberg. D This month's Panel Discussion folder, (also request any back issue from February of this year, which you may have missed.) D A free copy of "The King's Business," BIOLA'S literary voice, dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home. D A copy of our descriptive catalog of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and its four affiliated schools. I am enclosing a LOVE GIFT of $........................................... to be used in the training of young people for world-wide missionary service for the Lord Jesus Christ. NAME............•........................................................................................ ADDRESS.·-····································- ··-········· ........................................... CITY AND STATE................................................................................
1 of 4 Schools Many friends of BIOLA are surprised to learn that the historic buildings at the corner of Sixth and Hope Streets in downtown Los Angeles actually house four schools in one: the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, a two year preparatory course; the Biola Bible College, a four year course leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree; the School of Missionary Medi– cine, a one year postgraduate school for missionary appointees; and the Talbot Theological Seminary, a three year post– graduate course for men desiring the Bachelor of Divinity degree. It is this last school which we would like to acquaint you with in this issue, while in forthcoming months you will read brief sketches about the other three schools. The Talbot Theological Seminary, now entering its third year of training, eoi:pects an enrollment of fifty men from vari– ous parts of the country. How we praise God for His divine leading in the work of this new Seminary which teaches the pre-millennial return of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the other great doctrinal truths upon which the Bible Institute has stood for 47 years. This June, ten young men will be graduated and then go out into God's appointments around the world. Men with the B.A. degree are encouraged to prayerfully consider attendance at this outstanding school, directed by Dr. Charles L. Feinberg. A descriptive catalog will be sent upon request. By the time you receive this issue, the new and distinctively different 1955 Biola Calendar will have been delivered from our printer, and work will have begun on sending it out to your homes. We believe that God, in answer to prayer, has given us something that will be a real and lasting challenge to your hearts and lives for every day of the new year. The calendar will have space so that you may write in important engagements, and all special holidays are in a different color so that they are easily discernable. But the best things about the calendar are going to be left as a surprise for you to see when it arrives at your home. For convenience in our mailing department, we ask that you would NOT write for additional copies until you receive yours in the mail, and hear the announcements made over the air. Then, as long as the supply lasts, we will send you extra ones. Everyone who regularly receives the Broadcaster will auto– matically be sent a copy of the 1955 calendar before they are offered on the air. It is our prayer that this year's effort maJ be one which will bring spiritual inspiration to your heart, and glory and honor to our blessed Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. dr. talbot's itinerary Friends of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles will be inter– ested to learn of the speaking engagements for Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor. In each of the meetings listed, Dr. Talbot will be showing his latest full color missionary motion pictures which were taken on his recent survey of foreign outpost stations. OCTOBER 10 - 15 Forward Baptist Church -----------------------------45 Brant Road, Gault, Canad• OCTOBER 17 - 23 People's Church...---------------------------------100 Bloor Street, Toronto, Canada OCTOBER 24 - 29 Philpott Tabernacle.___________Park and Merrick Street, Hamilton, Canad• NOVEMBER 8 Service Center_____________________ JlO North Hill Street, Oceanside, Californi• NOVEMBER 11 - 13 Pomona Youth for Christ____________535 East Pasadena, Pomona, Califor-ni• 1955 calendar nearing completion and mailing
"/ beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." About three hundred and fifty years ago in the land of Scotland, the farmers followed a strange custom of tilling up all of their land, with the exception of one small portion which was set aside and dedicated to the forces of evil. They called this the "Goodman's Croft." In so doing, it was their hope and desire that those forces of devilish spirits working in the world would not touch the rest of the crop, being satisfied by the appeasement of the small portion of land. Of course the rain came down on the "Goodman's Croft," the sun beamed brightly upon it, and the wind blew the seeds from the weeds it grew across to the rest of the crop, m:iking the entire acreage infested with extraneous growth, and the latter end was worse than the beginning. A strange superstition, and yet there are those of us today who have in our hearts the Goodman's Croft. We perhaps have yielded all our lives to the Saviour, all except one tiny por· tion, and that we cling to tenaciously. It may be some little sin, or selfish desire, some hatred for our fellow man, or boast· ful pride, a secret motive or critical attitude. But whatever it is, you can be sure, unless it too is yielded to the Lord completely, the joy in our · service for the Master will be destroyed. So "tum your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace." * * * We give Thee but Thine own, Whate'er the gift may be. All that we have is Thine alone, A trust, 0 Lord, from Thee. May we Thy bounties thus, As Stewards true receive, And gladly, as Thou blessest us, To Thee our first-fruits give. * * * The little man is disturbed by the little things. During the month of September, it was our pleasure to present Dr. Louis T. Talbot giying a special series of messages on the theme of "Henen, the Eternal Home of the Believer." These addresses have been placed in one of the most attractive booklets ever produced, and offered to all of our radio audience free of charge. : Our mailing department has informed us that there are a few copies remaining, and as long as there is any supply left, we will be happy to send you one of these excellent booklets, which will prove to be a real reference work for your Christian library. Dr. Talbot answers many questions concerning the eternal city, and the state of man's soul after death. It will be particularly helpful to readers desiring to be of comfort to those in bereave· ment, and in answering questions of life after death posed lty various cults. Use the convenient coupon in this issue to secure your copy free and postpaid. • • * God tells us to burden Him with what burdens us. .... .... .... .... .... .... (CLIP OUT AND MAIL TODAY) beautiful book on heaven offered free
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Question: "Can I find refuge in Jesus?" Affirmation: "I find refuge in Jesus." Exhortation: "Find refuge in Jesus." Consolation: "Refuge in Jesus." Exhaltation: "In Jesus." Satisfaction: "Jesus." ::: * * When a man thinks his mind is getting broader, lt's prob– ably just his conscience stretching.
Christ has no hands but our hands To do His work today ; He has no feet but our feet To lead men in His way; He has no tongue but our tongues To tell men how He died; He has no help but our help To bring them to His side. We are the only Bible The careless world will read; We are the sinner's Gospel, We are the Scoffer's creed; We are the Lord's last message Written in deed and word ... What if the line is crooked? What if the type is blurred? What if our hands are busy With other work than His? What if our feet are walking Where sin's allurement is? What if our tongues are speaking Of things His lips would spurn? How can we hope to help Him Unless from Him we learn ? ANNIE JOHNSON FLINT :;: :;: * Learn as though you were to live always; Live as though you might die tomorrow. biota institute rally Whm1.-ver yo11 c-ome to. Seuffit'l'l1 { a1ifornia, ma~e sure you join tm Sund$.) irftemoon at 2:39 in the Chu"rCh of the Open D!ior Aud«orinm Jw the Bible fnstiture Rally, which ft>ntures the tinest of consecra«ld talent and ehal~ing speakm-:; eaclJ week. Special films uwall) l1ighpoint man) of the pro,,-ams and the stu
thfOvi'-out the west •.. · ~"Bible Institute Hour" MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY at 8:30 A.M. California IOBS.... 84\hop ,,...... .• ~ ..1'2)0
Nevada KATG...Reno ................ ..... 1340 Oregon KW1L Albany ............ 1240 KWIN .. Ashland ................. 1.400 KAST.. .Astoria ............. ..1370 KBND... Bend . . .... ......1110 KIOOS.. Coos Bay ........ . ... 1230 KORE•..•Eugene ............. . 1450 KUIN ... Gra"ts Pass .......... 1340 KWJJ.... Pottland ................ 1080 KRXL....Roseburg ...............l:MO KSLM.. .Salem ................... U90 Washinaton KXRO.. Aberdeen ... ... ... 1320 KPUG.. Bellingham ...... . 1170 KELA ...Centralia .. .......... 1470 KR!«) ... Everett ..... ............1380 KW\.K.. .t.ongview ... ........ 1400 KGY......Olyrilpia ... ··' ..... 1240 KV!... .. Seattle ........ .. .... 570 KNEW..Spokane . .... ........ 790 K.W .. Walla Walla ......1420 KWNWWenatchee .........1340 IO'AK... Y1kim1 ................. :1400
,KXOC .Cftlco .. .........•......1060 ICC~ ..., .£1 Centro ................1230 IO'NC!Lfres110 . ....... ........ 1300 KHJ....... Los Angeles ........... 930 KMYC...Marysville ..............1410 ~ •...Merced . ............... 1480 KPlti......Paso . Robles . . ... l230 KcaA... Sacramento . ,.........1320 ICSSW ,...satinas ........ .......... U$0 K:f'xliL.Sa11 81trnardino...... 590 KGa...... ~n · Diego....... .. ... 1360 ICftC.... .,~n Francfko ...... 610 KVK .. S.,n Luis Obispo. .. 920 l(DI..... Sanfa Barbara . . l '90 ma... Stockton .... ..... .. 1230 : KCOfC•.• Tulare ....... ...........1 i10 KVIM.•.. Vf!fttvra .... ............100 ~WSO ..Wa$(o ................... .1050 . Idaho l
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