King's Business - 1922-07

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S out of the mountain without hands is the Millennial kingdom of Christ. The stone does not fall until after the forma­ tion of ten toes. The two iron legs came into existence when the Roman Empire was divided 364 A. D. The stone does not gradually displace the image. It pulverizes it at a single blow. The ac­ tion of the stone is judgment. WEDNESDAY, July 5. Daniel 7:1-8. The Four Beasts. The four beasts are identical with the four kingdoms of the image. Here also there is degeneration from the lion, the king of beasts, to a strange and terrible nondescript. The reaison why these empires are twice represented in the prophecy, once by the metals of the image and once by wild beasts, is doubt­ less to show the difference between man's view and God’s view of the world kingdoms. Man sees in them the exhi­ bition and achievement of wealth, majesty and power. God sees in them only ferocious beasts of prey tearing and devouring one another. How sug­ gestive and instructive are the various emblems adopted by general consent as national insignia! The British lion, the Russian bear, the Roman eagle, the Chinese dragon! When did a nation ever adopt the patient ox, or the gentle dove as a national symbol? Human government is of Divine origin. Finite beings coming into rela­ tion with each other need some regula­ tive authority to promote the general good and safeguard individual interests. Government is a systematic arrange­ ment for the exercise of authority over men to secure their rights and con­ formity to duty. The authoritative ex­ pression of duty is called law. The mo­ tives which government brings to bear in enforcing duty are called sanctions. These are rewards and penalties. The reward of obedience is chiefly the enjoy­ ment of advantages secured by the gov­ ernment. Some kind of government is necessary for the safety and prosperity of mankind. The Scriptures teach obedience to all human governments in subordination to the will of God. Anarchy is confusion, chaos and catas­ trophe. The worst government that ever existed is better than none at all. THURSDAY, July 6. Rom. 13:1-10. The Basis of Government.


FRIDAY, July 7. Gen. 9*1-7. The Origin of Government.

Government does not derive its au­ thority from the general agreement or consent of the governed. It did not originate historically in any social com­ pact in which men agreed to relinquish certain of their rights for the sake of being protected in the exercise of others. Such a compact is mythical. If it were historical it would have no authority. Men must be governed. If they con­ sent, it is well. If they do not consent, they must still be governed. Human government is a Divine institution orig­ inating in the sword of the magistrate which God gave unto' Noah as a check on the development of sin. The deluge was a moral surgical operation. God determined that man should never again become so wicked. He therefore placed a series of checks upon the development of sin, such as the shortening of human life and the institution of civil govern­ ment. SATURDAY, July 8. Jer. 10:17-25. Man's Failure' Under Government. The end of government is to produce and maintain order. A world in dis-: order, shows that man is not able to gov­ ern himself. Every form o f govern­ ment that has ever been tried has broken down. The same argument that is brought against a monarchy is equally effective against a democracy. Water cannot rise above its level. If no one man is wise enough or good enough to govern his fellowmen, all men together are not wise enough or good enough to govern themselves. A stable house can­ not be built of rotten boards. While that government may be relatively the best which on the whole best promotes the interests of its subjects whatever its outward form may be, nevertheless ‘ it must be admitted from the testimony of history that human government has never passed its experimental stage. How necessary it is to pray for those that are in authority. 1 Tim. 2: L-2. SUNDAY, July 9. Rev. 11:15-19. The Ideal Government. Autocracy is the rule of one. Oli­ garchy is the rule of a few. Democracy is the rule of the people. Aristocracy is the rule of the best. Plutocracy is the rule of wealth. Theocracy is the rule of God. All of these different forms of government have existed at various times in the, past. The last

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