King's Business - 1922-07

T H E K I N G ' S B . U S I N E S S BIOLA “BEST” BOOKLETS FUNDAMENTALLY SOUND The Exact Truth Regarding an Eternal Hell By Dr. R. A. Torrey A splendid message proving that there is a literal hell which is eternal. Price 10c ea.; 75c per doz. Filled By B. McCall Barbour This “ best of all“ little booklets on the Spirit filled life, says, “ ‘Filled with the Spirit* and overflowing, is God’s high water-mark for the Christian life. For every Christian life without exception,— for yours, for mine.“ Buy, read, you will be greatly' blessed,— pass on to others and let them share the blessing. Price 5c; 60c per doz. Having an Original Experience of Christ Showing that it is possible for every one of us to have an original experience with Christ if we will abandon ourselves to Him so that He may work in and through us. 4c ea.; 40c per doz.; $3.00 per 100 Him By B. McCall Barbour Every Christian who has any desire to know the deeper thiyigs of God should read this splendid call to the higher spir­ itual life. Men are forever seeking to solve the problems of life, and to find some satisfaction from its unrest and dis­ content. The only solution of life*® prob­ lems is in “Him.“ Price 6c; 60c per doz. His By B. McCall Barbour “ The supreme blessedness of life is to know Him.” Next to that is the unpar­ alleled privilege of realizing we are “His. To possess “Him“ and to be pos®essed by “ Him** is the perfection of possession. This little booklet will prove a very defi­ nite help to you and to all those that you pass it on to. Price 6c; 60c per doz. If books are to com e by mail add 10% for postage unless otherwise specified. Unless cash accom panies order goods will be sent C. O. D. BIBLE INSTITUTE B I O L A B O O K R O O M Los Angeles, California


A School of Immorality. The church officials in the town of Decatur, Georgia, united in a well worded published protest against the dance, which was diligently circulated as a neat bulletin, signed by the Baptist Deacons, the Presbyterian Elders, the Episcopal Vestrymen and the Methodist Stewards. We quote from it: “We, the following Church officers in Decatur, Ga., wish to express as our united hut individual opinion that the promis­ cuous sex contact in the modern dance is not only not helpful to Christian' life and development, but tends to immor­ ality and to the breaking down and set­ ting aside of the higher moral stand­ ards, and should therefore not he in­ dulged in nor countenanced by those who have accepted Christ and are striv­ ing to live in accordance with His prin­ ciples and teaching.” Creed and Need of Congregationalists. Not all the real Bible believers among Congregationalists are dead yet — far from it. It it refreshing to read a book by an up-to-date Congregational minister, that calls the church hack to the Bible. “ Creed and Need of the New Congregationalism” is the title of such a book by Rev. Franklin M. Sprague. Looking over its honorable pedigree and history and the poor record it now makes from year to year, he asks, What disciple of Christ can find comfort, hope and inspiration in belong­ ing to a decaying denomination? He shows that Congregationalism has drift­ ed from its ancient moorings. The Na­ tional Council creed of 1913 crystallized the disloyalty. So he calls for a new creed, the restoration of the Bible, a new evangelism, the exaltation of reli­ gion above learning, the cleansing of the Congregational press, and the cor­ rection of other errors and abuses. Thus the hook bespeaks the study of every well-wisher of Congregationalism. (The book is published by the author, Tampa, Florida, $1.50 net.) gl[||||||i|||||l|raill!INIIIIIIIIIIIIIllll]inillllllll[[lllllllll!!llllllllll[l[llllllll!ll!lll!INNIIIIIIIlllllll!NIIIIINIIIIII| | AGENTS WANTED \ I THE KING'S'BUSINESS | = ------------------- Write for Terms —— — ^ | Circulation Representative of King's Business j 1 / 536 S. Hope Street Los Angeles, Cal. | , fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliil

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