King's Business - 1922-07

The Fundamental Doctrines of the Christian Faith Dr. R. A. Torreÿ This book is the result of its author's deep conviction, that the great need of the church is the simple emphatic statement and instruction in" the funda­ mental truths of the Christian Faith. He put his theory into practice last winter in his own church, and these sermons are ¿he result. We live in a day in which many of our church members are all at sea as to what they believe on the funda­ mental doctrines of the Christian Faith. These sermons have already helped many through their delivery. It is hoped they will reach and help far more in the printed form. It is hoped that this volume will be useful to other pastors in suggesting lines of teaching in their regular pastoral work, and also that it may be used widely by pastors and others for circulation among Christians. “This virile little volume is in nature of a lawyer’s brief for the authority of the Bible.” "The author has gathered together the best proofs of the vitality and vitalizing power of the -Bible and put them into forcible shape.” Price 59c A startling arraignment of the man-made conditions which are combining their influence in these days to destroy Christianity. The author makes a careful study of the human influences, ma­ terial and intellectual, nd of false religions, which aim to neutralize and destroy the power of the Gospel of Christ. Price, Cloth, $1.50 Christianity and Anti-Christianity in Their Final Conflict By S. J. Andrews “ Pastors, missionaries, Sunday School teachers and social workers, bear With me if I say, you must read this book. Here are no wild fancies, no foolish setting of times and seasons, no crude and sensational interpretations of prophecy, but a calm setting forth of what the Bible says on the most important subject for these times. The Christian leader who does not know these things is no leader« but the blind leading the blind. And, oh, there are so many of such leaders 1“ — James M. Gray, The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. 8 vo. 392 pages, cloth, $2.00. Postage, 15c extra The Menace of Modernism Dr. Wm. B. Riley Truth for You 144 pages of Bible facts The Number of Man, or the Climax of Civilization By Philip Mauro The World and Its God By Philip Mauro We so often hear it said, “God is in His heavens and all is well with the world.” The people accept it as true —-believe it because they have never heard., the truth of it questioned and refuted. That is why this little book ' is such an eye opener to many—yes, to most church memb e r s . Distribute it among your friends. Price, Cloth, 50c; Paper, 25c Life in the Word Philip Mauro

A Doubter’s Doubts By Sir Robert Anderson We quote from the au­ thor’s preface: “As the book is addressed to men of the world, it speaks from the standpoint of scepticism— the true scepticism which tests everything, not the sham sort which credulously accepts anything that seems to discredit the Bible.” 144 pages. 25c postpaid, paper

and information—a subject to a page— so arranged that the Sunday School Teacher and Christian worker can an­ swer any question of belief or doctrine or refute all the “isms” and false religions in the very words of the Scrip­ ture. It furnishes'an equip-_ ment for every service—i thoroughly furnishing you for every good work. Send for a copy today. Price 25c

That there is a great menace in the modernism of today w^believe no thinking man will doubt. No man is more conver­ sant with what that men­ ace is than Dr. Riley. No man knows better how to set forth the way to meet it; You will read this book with both pleasure and satisfaction. Price $1.00

If money does not accompany order goods will be sent C. O. D., unless otherwise specified. If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M BIBLE INSTITUTE LOS ANGELES


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