King's Business - 1922-07

BEST BOOKS ON THE FUNDAMENTALS Modem Religious Liberalism By John Horsch Many of the Lord’s people have decided convictions that the New Theology of the critics is absolutely antagonistic to the Scriptures and Christian faith. But not a few would find it rather difficult to convince the average believer, let alone an opponent, of the fairness of these convictions. And why? Simply because of the lack of adequate evidence. This book supplies the evidence and supplies it in easily understood language. It is a strong tonic and a valuable reference ' book, and it meets a real, though often-times unrecognized need. Cloth, $1.75

Theopneustia ; The Plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures By L. Gaussen Among scholars who are loyal to the- Word of God this has been considered one of the best, if not the best setting forth of the doctrine of Verbal. Inspiration that has ever been written. Price $1.00

God Spake All These Words By James H. Brookes, D. D. A statement and defense of the super-natural origin and inerrant inspiration of God’s Holy Word. Admitted to be the most concise and vigorous book on Inspiration. Price 50c

The Stronghold of Truth By W. H. Griffith Thomas A very able defense of the Bible as the Word of God. This stronghold of truth is treated,—-first, as a revela­ tion; second, an an author­ ity; third, as a message; fourth, as a power; fifth, as a book to be consistently studied. Price 25c, Paper

A Gospel and Its Ministry Handbook of Evangelical Truth By Sir Robert Anderson


The author says in his preface, “In these days men have left off faith. The spirit of the martyrs is not in them, opinions have taken the place of convictions and the result is a liberality which is the offspring, not of humility and love but of indifference or doubt. God has given us a revelation, Christianity has not to do with opinions, it is founded on established facts and Divine truth; and based thereon is the heritage of the church.” Grace__The Cross—Faith—Repentance and the Spirit’s Work—Election—Substitution— Righteousness—Sanctification—Reconciliation—Justification by Faith, by works, by blood-— Holiness and Sanctification—At-one-ment—and other chapters make an exceedingly valuable volume. PaPer>2Sc * The Higher Criticism and the New Theology Many Infallible Proofs The Evidence of Christianity By Dr. A. T. Pierson Christianity the Final Religion By Samuel M. Zwemer

Edited by Dr. R. A. Torrey In this volume of 284 pages Dr. Torrey has gathered to­ gether fourteen articles writ­ ten by the foremost Bible Teachers and Preachers of our day — articles which cover every phase of higher criticism and new theology and which show them up in their true light as utterly unscientific, unscriptural and unwholesome. This is a book that should be in the hands of every Christian worker in the land. Price, Paper, 25c; Cloth, 75c

We know of no book better fitted for the purpose- of proving that the Bible is the Book of God and that Jesus is the Son of God. With manly earnestness born of strong convictions Dr. Pier­ son presents a series of argu­ ments that can hardly fail to satisfy the most exacting doubter, provided simply that he is honest and has not planted himself on principles that make all proofs futile. Price $1.00

Addresses on the Mission­ ary Message for the world today, showing that the old Gospel of salvation through faith in the atoning work of Jesus is the only Gos­ pel. In an age of doubt it is the only anchor of our hope; in the present chaos of International relations it alone can bring reconcilia­ tion. Cloth, $1.25

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