King's Business - 1922-07


A splendidly written small book treating on the deeper lessons of the Cross. It shows very clearly what the Victorious. Sacrificial death of Christ on-Calvary’s Cross purchased for the believer—what the believer’s standing and privileges are as a new man in Christ. Dr. Charles A. Blanchard, president of Wheaton (111.) College, says of it, "In this day when so many pass the cross and look upon it as a needless thing, those who realize as Mr, Stevens does that it is everything to the needy souls of men have a right to speak, and I do not believe there will be found one person in the world who will thoughtfully, prayerfully read this book, who will not find help and comfort in it.” Paper, 35c

The Blood of Jesus By Rev. William Reid, M. A. THE Classic on the Atone­ ment. Deals especially with the value of the blood shed on Calvary’s Cross,—con­ tains a plain, full, clear and straightforward statement of the Gospel" method of Salva­ tion as laid down in the Word of God; and has the merit of presenting the Gos­ pel in all its freeness and freshness without being ob­ scured and encumbered by needless fencing and guard­ ing. Paper, 10c; Cloth, 50c

The Atonement By James Stalker, D. D. One of the standard bboks on this central Christian doc­ trine,—First, the New Testa­ ment situation; Second, the Old Testament Preparation, and lastly, the writer endeav­ ors to harmonize the truth with the ideas and sympa­ thies of the present time in the third lecture called "The Modern Justification.’’ 138 pages. Cloth, $1.30 The Day of the Cross Rev. Wm. M. Clow, D. D. Author of “The Cross in' Christian Experience." This is the fifth edition of these twenty-six sermons on the men and women and the notable events of the Cruci­ fixion. The words of one "who has probed the deep secrets of life and has him­ self trod the thorny way.” Price $1.75 The Cross in Christian Experience By Rev. W. M. Clow, D. D. The atmosphere of the book is sacramental, the language homely and simple, and the evangelical earnest­ ness of the man who loses himself in his message is ap­ parent on every page. Price $1.50

The Atonement in Type, Prophecy and

Accomplishment By F. W. Grant

Setting forth the need to be met, the last Adam, the Ark and the Altar, the Pass- over and the Sea, the Taber­ nacle-service, the various Offerings, the Day of Atone­ ment, the Testimony of the Psalms and twenty other chapters of absorbing inter­ est, Paper, 35c; Cloth, 65c The Divine Reason of the Cross *A. C. Mabie A study of the Atonement as the rationale of our uni­ verse. The work of Christ is shown as a self-manifestation of God in the flesh which brings us home to God. Price, Cloth, $1.00 The Meaning and Message of the Cross Henry C. Mabie A restatement of the Atonement and its bearing on Christian missions. This book is a calm and concilia­ tory effort to set forth the significance of the Cross as a redeeming achievement. Price, Cloth, $1.25

The Power of Jesus’ Blood and its Re­

lation to Sin By C. E. Putnam

The great powers of His shed blood, setting forth the clear teaching of the Word on this most vital and all- important salvation doctrine. 16 mo. Art stock covers, 30c Atonement and Law By John M. Armour “The book is a powerful argument in favor of the perfect compatibility of the pardon of sin on the ground of the atonement with the administration of the divine law as revealed in nature and in providence as well as in the Word of God." 12 moi 207 pages. Paper, 50c; Cloth, $1.00

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