King's Business - 1922-07

BEST BOOKS ON THE FUNDAMENTALS SATAN AND DEMONS Satan and the Satanic System By Lewis Sperry Chafer

An exhaustive study of the Scriptures in relation to the existence, person­ ality and power of Satan— a subject vital to any right understanding of the age in which we live and the personal conflict in which we are engaged. This is a book that every Christian should own and study. Paper, 30c; Cloth, $1.00

Satan and the Saint (or the present darkness and the coming Light.) By James M. Gray Wm. ^P. Hall, Evangelist, writes, “I have been greatly profited and delighted in the reading of this book. It is sure to be greatly blest of God to all who read it.” W. F. Fisher, Evangelist, writes, “Satan and the Saint is fine—it will do immense good— I shall read my copy again and again and shall commend it as I go.” Paper, 30c; Cloth, 75c

Satan, His Kingdom, Its Overthrow By W. E. Blackstone The author treats the sub­ ject in a masterful way un­ der twenty headings with diagrams. The reading of this book will convince any fair-minded person of the personality, character, king­ dom, plan and end of the worst enemy mankind ever had and under whose mighty power this world is now in terrible commotion. Paper 15c

Satan By J. R. Pratt

This splendid small book presents the Scripture teach­ ing as to the personality and power of Satan and shows his present methods of work­ ing. The believer’s privi­ leges in Christ and the way of deliverance from Satan’s wiles are clearly set forth. Paper, 25c; Cloth, 50c

Is the Devil a Myth? By C. F. Wimberly

The author prefaces the book with this statement, “ If the personality of Satan can be successfully consigned to the junk pile, our Bible can be nothing better than a jumble of contradictions and inconsistencies,“ and then proceeds to prove that the Devil is not a' myth by unmasking the many characters under which he presents himself for the approval of the world today. This book will be an eye-opener to many people along many lines. Cloth, $1.00

Demon Possession and Allied Themes By John L. Nevins Most people would like to believe that there is no such thing as demon possession today, but Dr. Nevins, after many years of experience with this class of persons, presents indisputable evi­ dence that demons do take possession of the bodies of humans today. A book well worth careful study. Cloth, $2.C0

Satan, His Origin, History, and Doom By George Soltau “Is there such a being as Satan?” Multitudes of scholars and Intelligent people deny his existence, and that he ever did exist, save in the imag­ ination of ancient and illit­ erate people. How shall the question be decided? Only by reference to, and careful study of Holy Scripture which must be the final court of appeal. Price 2c

Satan, His Personality, Power and Overthrow By E. M. Bounds Backed by the testimony of Holy Scripture, Dr. Bounds shows the arch-enemy of mankind to be a person, ac­ tual, literal, ever active for the destruction of human souls. The book also shows the means whereby Chris­ tian believers can withstand his assaults and how they may triumph over him. Cloth, $1.25

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