King's Business - 1922-07


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S our Christian Mexican families we were happily surprised. In this home we formerly had held a weekly meeting which was attended by some of the neighbors, as well as the mother and two brothers, but because some of the neighbors had moved away this meet­ ing had been discontinued, and as new places and new interests demanded our attention, we had only called on this family once a month for a pastoral call. During one of these calls the man of the house excused himself, saying he would return soon. Soon he returned bringing his mother, two brothers and their wives and a cousin, all having re­ cently returned from Mexico. A few minutes later five or six more came in and we had a company of twenty for our meeting. As a result of this, we are now planning to resume these meetings twice a month. Through the life and testimony of this man, in whose house we have the meetings, these relatives have all become Christians. Little do we know how far reaching the Word of God is through those who receive it and are faithful to the heavenly vision. One of the students was dealing with a young Mexican, who finally saw the truth and accepted the Lord. Like An­ drew of old, he went after his friend and asked him if he would accept the Lord Jesus as his Saviour. As a result he was led to accept Christ also. A Chapel for Mexicans Last month we mentioned that we had been offered a lot in one of our Mexican colonies for the erection of a chapel. We are now praising the Lord that we have had several gifts as tokens from the Lord that we should use what was in hand, buy the lumber and start the building. Now with the help of the students who volunteered their services we have erected a building 20x24 which was dedicated to the service of the Lord Jesus Christ, on May 7. Christian friends from San Gabriel and other places came to the dedication services and it surely was a red letter day for the colony. Although the interior is not finished, we are using it, and covet your prayers that this chapel may in­ deed be the birthplace of many a soul and a gateway to heaven to these peo­ ple who have been kept in ignorance and superstition for hundreds of years. ’ Also ask God to strengthen the worker as the added responsibilities of new openings are placed upon him.

BIOLA HALL WORK David Cant, Saperintendent Our City Mission for men, situated in the center of the city. Meetings are held from 10:00 o’clock in the morning until 10:00 o’clock at night, including a Noon­ day Business Men’s Prayer Meeting and personal work. Hundreds of msn arc reached here every day.

b we look back over, the re­ sults of another month’s wit­ nessing and testifying, our hearts ring out a note of praise and thanksgiving to Him who

has made it all possible and gives such evidence of His continued grace and power. Here are letters fuom" boys who have written back, praising our gracious Lord for the revelation of Himself to their hearts and for the knowledge of sins forgiven as well as for victory oyer the world, the flesh and the devil. One writes thanking, us for the position we secured for him and the temporary help advanced, all of which paved the way for the presentation of the Gospel mes­ sage given to a very needy heart. An­ other, a foreigner, stranded and alone in our city, in his gratitude for help rendered, embarasses us by a kiss and a hug as he joyfully leaves for his job, a position secured by us and one pay­ ing a hundred dollars a month with room thrown in. Here is another mis­ sive laboriously written by a grateful man after a heavy day’s work, mixing and carrying concrete. We wish we had space to give it in full for, as the story of repeated visits to Biola Hall is un-v folded, we see the Spirit’s striving. At the beginning there was strong antagon­ ism, ending eventually, through. the faithful, persistent prayer's of a Chris­ tian worker owned and blessed of God, in a complete yieldedness to Jesus Christ, all bearing the unmistakable marks of the Holy Ghost’s work. Conviction Follows a Tract Another man was handed a "Do You Know" tract. The watcher for souls walked along by his side as he left our entrance and, with the wisdom which cometh from God, engaged him in con­ versation. Yes, he said, he' realized in some measure his sinful state; only two weeks previous another worker had given him God’s Word, but under con­ viction he had torn the message up and thrown it away. This act only deepened conviction and drove him to a mission where he was told to confess his sins, but that was a homeless task, he thought, for he couldn’t begin to remember them

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