King's Business - 1922-07

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STUDENTS—Kindly communicate with Miss Elfreda Stein, B. I., the compiler of these notes. Testimomes to blessing received from the Institute chimes rung at noon and in the evening, come from many sources. A Visitor to the County Hospital was recent­ ly. by the telephone exchange operator that some good friend at the Bible Insti­ tute had been making a practice c f calling the County Hospital while the chimes were playing, then leaving the receiver off the hook, so that the. inmates o f the Leper Colony there m ight listen to the hymns, which they enjoyed and appreciated as only people could who were cut off from all association with their fellow s and from any touch with the outside world. Another lady tells us that the employees o f a dressmaking establishment at Sev­ enth and Broadway always wait until the chimes have finished playing every noon before beginning their lunch. Another note o f appreciation comes from a man e ^ pl°yed in the Pacific Mutual Building: To a man who hardly has time to think of anything but business from the m o­ ment ne opens his office door in the m orn­ ing until it is closed at night, the chimes bring a com pelling message, which ligh t­ ens the burden, arrests his thought for a moment, and turns it to better than ma­ terial things, and in general helps and inspires. This appreciation is due, and it is a pleasure as well as a duty, to give it.’* George R. Keepin, *21, was married on Wednesday, April 26th, to Miss Barline Bennett, at the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Warren, Indiana. The young cou ­ ple have come to Los Angeles to make their home. Howard W ithers, a form er B. I. student, was a member of the graduating class of Auburn Theological Seminary fo r which commencement exercises were held on Thursday, May 11th. George H. Proctor, *17, fs attending the Theological Seminary at San Anselmo, Calif. Rev. N. J. Barnes, *19, has accepted the pastorate o f a Baptist church at Marsh­ field, Oregon. George F. W alker is pastor o f a church at Limon, Washington. Miss Agnes Kent, *21, is taking third year w ork at the Institute. A son, Robert Stanley, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailes on April 11th. Miss Berta Dyer, *18, Secretary o f the Home Department of the Church o f the Open Door, is superintending the organi­ zation of home classes o f the Sunday School among the children. E ight classes, with an enrollment of 205, have been or­ ganized in a few weeks, a, goal o f tw o hundred such classes having been set. Pray for this noble effort among the boys and girls o f Los Angeles.

Miss Altabelle Heller, *19, has accepted a call to preach at the Bethel Wesleyan Church at Baxter, Iowa, and is happy in her work, which the Lord is abundantly blessing. Miss Helen Miller, *18, City Rescue Mis­ sion, San Francisco, w rites: “It was a great privilege for me to have been able to spend a part o f my vacation in B.~ I. during the month o f May. While there were hundreds o f new faces, still occa ­ sionally I met some that I knew in the days gone by, not onevever saying they regretted the days spent there, but rather praising the Lord fo r the great oppor­ tunity which each one has had.*’ Miss Marian Kinsler, a student in 1921, expects to sail fo r Korea, August 5th, goin g out under the Presbyterian Board, to w ork in Seoul. Miss Zarra Hoon, *21, writes from Barah, Patthar, Sialkob, Punjab, India, saying: “This is Satan’s own land, and tempta­ tions for missionaries are subtle and ter­ rible. There is a great need for prayer, not alone fo r m issionaries but for Indian Christians as well, and for conviction upon the unsaved.** Miss Maria Richert, *19, Shonghong, China, speaks o f great blessing in the study of the language, though it is difficult. She asks for prayer, and wonders: “H ow w ill these poor people come to know the true God if w e as Christian people w ill not pray more and do more for the spreading o f the Gospel?’* Miss Bessie Pike, *13, who recently re­ turned to her field in China, w rites: “I am kept so busy from early till late that I have scarcely a minute to call my own, but the w ork is so interesting and I thorough­ ly enjoy it all. The Lord’s presence is very real and He surely has w orked in our midst. Unto Him is all the honor and glory.’* Miss Mary N. Spooner, *17, w rites: “At present I am helping in the office o f the Toccoa Falls Institute (G eorgia ); also teaching Bible to a class o f children from our county school, and one o f the Bible classes in the Institute. Occasionally I do a little house-to-house visitation. Trust you w ill pray for me. The past three years have been a tim e, of- severe testing on many lines. But I am resting in the faithfulness o f our H eavenly Father, and am sure that He w ill yet show me anew how Rom. 8:28 has been w orked out in my life.’* v Rev. Reuben W. Anderson, *13, writes from New Bedford, Mass.: “I am now away up here in New England and have the most wonderful opportunity that I have had. Here is a city o f over 130,000 and only our one Presbyterian Church as far as Presbyterianism is concerned. Surely we are not overchurched ijp here and the

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