King's Business - 1922-07

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<7keCKosenPeople,4ieLandanddieBook Notes Concerning the Jews and Prophecy



A Moslem said, ‘Yes.’ Then the Jew said, T will pay for it,’ and took out four piastres and paid for it, and this Jew was by no means a well-to-do man. To me it was of great encouragement to see a Jew paying for a New Testa­ ment for a Moslem, and my heart went out to God in gratitude. Our greatest difficulty comes from so-called Chris­ tians. This so-called Nationalistic spirit has brought into the hearts of certain nominal Christians (for we can­ not call them Christians) a hatred. There are a number of native pastors here, whose politics seem to be of a stronger calibre than their religion. They are evidently anti-Semitic. One of them lately spoke in language of such a nature that I had to draw his atten­ tion to the Word of God (Zech. 2:8) that all who touch Israel touch the apple of Jehovah’s eye. He got quite red and said, ‘Ah, but that is under the old dispensation; they are now ene­ mies, whose doom the Lord has pro­ nounced.’ I am quite anxious about the state of things now existing. It seems that very few of them believe in the future of Israel, or in any of the promises of the Word of God, concern­ ing Israel. I think we ought to make it a matter of earnest prayer. “ Last Saturday a very remarkable in­ cident took place. You have undoubt­ edly read in the papers that we have had Lord Northcliffe here, and a num­ ber of other leading lights. (I wish the leading lights would stop away from Palestine for a little. When they come, it seems that all our peace is to be dis­ turbed. The Moslems, Jews and Chris­ tians, all go and form deputations, pres­ ent addresses, make speeches, and per­ form political wire pulling, and natur-

HE Rev. S. B. Rohold, Super­ intendent of the Mt. Carmel Bible School, Haifa, Palestine, gives some very significant

facts concerning the Palestine situation in a recent letter to Dr. W. E. Black- stone of Los Angeles. The following paragraphs are from his letter: “ To me, personally, the providential care of our Blessed Master in all our undertakings has been, and is, a re­ vitalising influence and sustenance, fill­ ing our hearts with joy and gratitude to Him. “ As for our work, we are thankful to say that we go from strength to strength in His Holy Name. We do not know of a time when the door of Israel’s heart was wider open than at the pres­ ent time, at least, in the land of their fathers. There is a great hunger for the Word of God. We have already sold this month Scriptures to the value of 20 pounds—mostly New “Testaments, and the larger part in the Hebrew language. We were compelled to double the size of our Reading Room. At the same time, the devil is sowing the tares. There is no opposition from the Jews themselves, and there is encouragement from the Moslems, for the Moslem seems also to be anxious to have the Word of God, as the following incident will show. Ten days ago, while the Reading Room was filled with different classes, Jews, Mohammedans and Chris­ tians, a Moslem came in and wanted a New Testament. We told him that the New Testament would cost tenpence, or here, four piastres. The Moslem was poor and said he had not four piastres. A Jew sitting there said, ‘Do you really want to read the New Testament?’ The

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