Curriculum and Assessment Policy 2023

At Maple View School children follow their own individualised curriculum pathway, with Learning Intentions developed from their EHCP Outcomes and in preparation for life after Maple View, whatever the destination, these will be varied. In line with the SEND Code of Practice and the SENAD framework, the curriculum facilitates the school’s key Aims for our children to : • Be happy, safe and active members of the school and wider community • Develop their social, communication and academic skills to their full potential • Self-manage their behaviour • Develop self-care and independent living skills In order to live a rich and fulfilling life. To ensure that the curriculum achieves these goals, all adults, teachers, support staff and therapists, work together to support the children’s development and learning through the establishment of, and tracking of progress towards, Learning Intentions. These are formally reviewed in a termly Review of Assessment and Planning (RAP) Meeting. Judgements are supported by evidence collated throughout the term on Evidence for Learning (E4L). Children follow a broad curriculum offer, planned according to ability, with EHCP Outcomes and preparation for life post Maple View at the core of their pathway. The curriculum offer is unique to each child, not a differentiated offer. Planning meetings are held by the child’s Key Team to establish the Learning Intentions, these are then reviewed at least termly in RAP Meetings. The curriculum offer is ambitious, with the intent that all children develop the skills, the knowledge and cultural capital, within the context of their individual needs and disabilities, to participate within their communities to their full potential, as reflected within the school aims. The curriculum offer is not subject specific for all children, some of the children function at the very early stages of development; development is holistic with learning tasks often supporting the development of a range of skills. In the mornings , children engage in classroom-based learning, including daily literacy, reading, numeracy and PSHE activities. There is a strong focus on creativity and well-being, with music at the start of the day and a sensory diet throughout the day.

A half-termly text unifies the children in their learning. The text is accessible to all children, they are mainly pictorial, or with very limited written text. It is the focus of whole-school cross-curricular planning; planning encompasses, music, art, DT, literacy, science and the humanities, uniting the children in common themes, regardless of ability. It provides a vehicle to broaden the content of the curriculum offer and to address any cultural deficits. Alongside at least daily reading/phonics activities, the text also supports a love of reading.

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