Sample Version Vol. VII No. 2 for Grand Board Consideration



C. UDELL TURPIN Polemarch of Omicron

Columbia University in the City of New York President's Room

Omicron Chapter is putting Kappa Alpha Psi on the map with a bang in New York. The Journal Staff is in receipt of an invita- tion to attend a formal banquet and dance given by this chapter at the "Hollywood," Friday evening, June 3rd, 1921. Many re- ports have come to us through the press and otherwise of the aggressive program of Omicron and one is proud to acknowledge fellowship with them. The May "Sphinx," the official organ of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, has an article about the chapter at Columbia. Through the kindness of Brother Turpin, Polemarch of the Chapter, the Journal is per- mitted to make public a letter received by him from Nicholas Murray Butler, President of Columbia University, congratulating the chapter upon its success. Such expressions as these coming from such a world-character as Dr. Butler should make every Kappa Alpha Psi man strive to uphold the ideals of his organization.

May 19, 1921.

C. Uclell Turpin, Esq. Apartment 67 133 West 140th Street, New York, N. Y. Dear Mr. Turpin :-

I am very glad to hear from yours of the 16th of the success of your fraternity under- taking, and congratulate you and your fellow students very cordially upon this successful organization. With best wishes for its future, I am, Faithfully yours, NICHOLAS MURRAY BUTLER.

"Our Status" Question: Is Kappa Alpha Psi Greek? Answer: No, it's international!

Methusaleh Herald 1977-13th Edition "OMICRON still winning"

Weather Forecast 'Omicron fair and warmer. Breezes of success blowing to all parts.'

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