Sample Version Vol. VII No. 2 for Grand Board Consideration



ball Brothers Simms, Toilet and Sevell are starring. During the year we have been much en- couraged by Prof. D. W. Woodard. Dean of the School of Liberal Arts. Then, too, we owe a great deal to our Polemarch, whose un- tiring efforts and willing sacrifices helped Xi Chapter greatly during her infancy. Because of the scarcity of houses in Wash- ington and the lateness of the season Xi ('hapter was not able to go into the house she had arranged for, but plans are under way for securing this house next year. The Chap- ter is now planning for its initial ''Prom" which will be held at The Whitelaw Hotel on May 30, and which we are striving to make in keeping with the tradition of Kappa. The co-operation of every brother is making this possible and that same spirit of co-operation is going to hold up Kappa Alpha Psi at "The Largest Negro University in The World." —LEMUEL D. BOLTON. NOTES FROM DELTA The year 1920-21 has brought success to Delta Chapter. Beginning the year under various hardships, we have overcome all of them and are now moving along in splendid shape. In every school activity Kappa Alpha Psi has stood out prominently. In athletics we have held the balance of power. The football team was practically Kappa, having six of the regular players as follows: Brothers Bruce, Laws, Lowery, Coleman, and Mum- ford. Delta was no less conspicuous in base- ball the team being captained by Bro. Town- send. Other players were Bros. Lowery. Laws, Hunter and Coleman, Manager. The inter-Collegiate Debating Team con- sisted of six members, five of which were from Delta Chapter. Brothers Murray, Cole- man, Lane, Laws and Hunter made up this (luintette. The Kappa Alpha Psi Quartette composed of Brothers Emanuel, Lockett, Jones, and plec1gc-b ro ther Fouchee, promotes harmony in the musical circles. The social phase of college life has been well cared for this year. May 7th marked the annual reception and was a brilliant affair. Brother Irven Armstrong, retiring Grand Polemaich was a guest as was the present Grand Polemarch, Prof. Geo. F. David. In short, in every activity of college life Kappa Alpha Psi has not only held its own but has raised the standard. The old Kappa Spirit is rampant in Delta today and we are away in the lead. Faculty Members of Kappa Alpha Psi at Wilberforce Brother Gilbert H. Jones, Vice President and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts; A. B. Wilberforce University, 1902. B. S. ibid., 1903; Ph.B. Dickinson College 1906; A. Al. ibid., 1907; Ph.D. Jena University, Continued on page 7)

Continued Irvin 'ave

Sin o f these activities have been sUrpris- for an organization five months of age. As was expected the announcement of the organization of a chapter of this well known fraternity caused much comment and much was expected of her. At the first initiation held on December 17, 1920, a group of strong young men became the charter members of Xi Chapter. They were: J. \Vvcliffe Keller, now Polemarch, Grand-Lieut.-Strategus; Hil- bert L. Rozier, Keeper-of-Records; Leo S. Butler, Keeper-of-Exchequer; Lemuel D. Bol- ton, Corresponding Secretary; Charles S. Hall, Strategus; Johnathon L. Young, Lieute- nant Strategus; Hiram U. Moore, Joseph E. Moore, Ernest T. Hemby, Alden B. Thomp- son, Samuel Lassiter, Julian J. Evans, Len S. Williams, Ernest E. Miller, Webster Sewell, Harry B. Thornton, Clarence B. Friday. We have with us from other Chapters of Kappa, Herman Austin, W. J. Pinkard, L. S .Sutor, Walter I. Delph, W. L. \Vatts, Payne Ran- som, James E. Scott, James W. Johnston, W. Ghans and Simeon Cunningham. At our second initiation, held on May 25, we were increased by ten: Morris Simms, Henry P. Owens, Ernest S. Hartgrove, Robert Greene, Herbert Dudley, Robert K. Peyton, John W. Bates, Geo. W. Davis, Harold ToIlet, and A. R. Harris. This is ciuite a large number com- pared with other chapters, but is clue to the large enrollment of students at howard University. Kappa Alpha Psi, though young at Flowarci University, is by no means slow in taking part in the activities around the University. Kappa is represented in nearly every activity in the lJniversity. in the R. 0. T. C. our Polemarch is Adjutant with the rank of Captain. He is also president of the Grenadiers Club, an or- ganization of R. 0. T. C. officers. Brothers Hemby, Sewell, and Thornton are officers in this department, while Brothers Dudley, Evans and Williams are ncui-conimissioned officers. Brother Butler is presilent of the German Club which was successful in giving a Grand German 'Prom.'' Brother Hemby represents us in the Glee Club. Brother Owens is in the Dramatic Club. Brother Bolton is a prominent member of the Stylus, a literary club, holding a competitive contest for membership each year. Brother Pinkard is a member of the R. 0. T. C. Band. In athletics Kappa takes a very prominent part also. Brother Sewell is a 'Varsity foot- ball man. Brother Simms is a 'Varsity basketball man. Brother Simms is one of the best all around athletes that has ever at- tended this University, and is held in great esteem. In the recent Intercollegiate Track Meet held here on May 11, Kappa was well represented by Brother Rozier who captured the 220 yard clash and was second in two one hundred yard (lashes. He is without doubt one of the fastest sprinters on howard's track team and was the highest individual scorer in the meet. Brother Evans easily slipped away from his nearest rival in the two-mile race. Besides these Xi Chapter has the following on the track team: H. U. Moore, J. L. Young and J. W. Keller, and in base-

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