Blossom Time 2024 - A Weekend Unlike Any Other


Pilot: Luke Russell Auburn Township, Ohio Blue with multiple colored stripes and numerous silver birds

Pilot: Ken Kus Auburn, Ohio

Kubicek AX 8 90,000 cu. ft.

Blue, white, red diamond patterns Aerostar RX 8 90,000 cu ft

Luke received his pilot's license in August of 2006. Since then, he has flown in a number of balloon events across America both on his own and as a Re/Max pilot. He has also flown in Mexico. Luke owns and operates the Falcon’s Nest balloon repair station in Seville with Russell Wells and Mike Lorentz. He is also the area sales representative for Kubicek Balloons, which is based in the Czech Republic. He has over 300 hours as Pilot-in-Command.

Ken is a local pilot who has logged over 400 hours as Pilot in Command. He was the 2000 NOBPA Rookie of the Year and won the NOBPA Club Championship in 2003 & 2008, helped by a win here in 2008. He also enjoyed participating in the BFA Longjump Competition in 2003 & 2004, flying at altitudes up to 12,500 ft and covering 188 miles in 4 hours. Ken is self-employed and works as a service contractor in the northern Ohio area. With the retirement of Craig Lucas this year, Ken has taken over as Balloonmeister.

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