Blossom Time 2024 - A Weekend Unlike Any Other

Blossom Queens

Parents: Allison and Cory Fischer Escort: Reed Livingston Milly Fischer

Parents: Lauren and Jay Jones Escorted by: Liam Butler Allie Jones

My experience with growing up in Chagrin was great. I love the constant support that the community gives whether that be through sports teams or other exciting events. Being from here my whole life has given me such great opportunities and I'm very grateful to have had my childhood in Chagrin. I plan on attending The University of Tampa in the fall and I'm studying communications. Some of my accomplishments throughout high school are getting 2nd CVC twice for girls golf, honorable mention in girls golf, honorable mention for cheerleading, I've gotten 2 english awards throughout high school, social media chair for ed foundation, co-president of wellness club, link crew for 2 years, I've been dancing for 14 years.

Growing up in chagrin was so special to me because I was able to be with all of my classmates from kindergarten to graduation and that gave us the ability watch each other become the people we are today. I plan on attending Ohio University and major in photojournalism. Awards- Tiger of the semester, rotary student of the month, gold art award, photojournalism award, two years on varsity basketball. Clubs- Leader of the wellness club, member of link crew, member of ultimate frisbee club. I love attending concerts with friends and going on vacations with my family. Some places I have traveled with my family is Naples Florida, Dylan Colorado, and New York City.

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