MIT 2021

MIT 202 1

You did not choose Me but I chose you,

and appointed you that you would go

and bear fruit, and that your fruit would

remain, so that whatever you ask of the

Father in My name He may give to you.

JOHN 15:16

Sunday, October 24

Monday, October 25

Tuesday, October 26

Wednesday, October 27

Thursday, October 28

Friday, October 29

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

Breakfast 7:00 - 7:45

Devotions - Tim Good

Devotions - Honza Halik


8:00 - 8:40

8:00 - 8:40

8:00 - 8:40

SRS Training 8:00 - 10:00

SRS Training 8:00 - 10:00

Ryan Williamson

Statement of Faith Standard of Conduct

Coaching 8:45 - 9:30 Ken Dady

Ken Dady

Ken Dady

8:45 - 10:00 Alex Konya

Ryan Williamson

Ryan Williamson

Making it Stick Video

9:30 - 10:00

Board of Review 8:45 - 11:15

Break 10:00 - 10:30

Break 10:00- 10:30

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:15 19:30 19:45 20:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 21:00

Child Protection

SRS Training 10:30 - 12:30

SRS Training 10:30 - 12:30

Making it Stick Practical

10:30 - 11:30

10:30 - 12:30

Ryan Williamson

Group Photo

Ken Dady

Ken Dady

MIT Team

Financial Planning / Retirement

Ryan Williamson

Ryan Williamson

LCM Vision 11:30 - 12:30

11:30 -12:30

Ken Dady

John Collins (Video) & Discuss

Video & Discussion

Lunch 12:45 - 14:00

Effective Communication

14:15 - 15:00

SRS Training 14:15 - 15:45

SRS Training 14:15 - 15:45


Ryan Williamson

14:15 - 15:45 Andy Wenzel

Final Interviews (see schedule)

Ken Dady

Ken Dady

Connecting with Pastors

Ryan Williamson

Ryan Williamson

15:00 - 15:45

Ken Dady (Video & Discussion)

Break 15:45 - 16:15

Check In

Prefield Protocol

Wrap Up & Prayer

16:15 -17:00

SRS Training 16:15 - 18:00

SRS Training 16:15 - 18:00

16:15 - 17:00

Ryan Williamson

MIT Team

Split Sessions 16:45 - 18:00

Database, Logistics & Web

Ken Dady

Ken Dady


Orientation 17:15 - 18:00

17:00 - 17:45

Videos & Group Discussion

Ryan Williamson

Ryan Williamson

Ryan Williamson

Ladies - Pam Konya Men - Alex Konya

Ryan Williamson

Celebration Dinner

Dinner 18:00 - 19:00


Vision of Word of Life

General Session

19:15 - 20:30 Alex Konya

19:15 - 20:30

Fellowship Time - Prep Time

Ken Dady

Fellowship Time

Statement of Faith

1. We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are verbally inspired of God, and they are without error in the original writings, and they are the supreme and final authority for faith and life.

2. We believe in one God, Creator and Sustainer of the universe, Who is eternally existent in three persons — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

3. We believe in the Deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, His death to pay the penalty for everyone’s sins, His bodily resurrection, His exaltation at God’s right hand, and His personal, imminent, pretribulational and pre- millennial return.

4. We believe that all have sinned and are therefore guilty before God and are under His condemnation.

5. We believe that all who by faith receive Jesus Christ are born again of the Holy Spirit, therefore children of God and eternally saved, and that the Holy Spirit dwells within every believer to enlighten, guide, and enable the believer in life, testimony, and service. We believe that God answers the prayers of His people and meets their needs according to His purpose.

6. We believe that God gives spiritual gifts to all believers for the building up of the body of Christ. However, the miraculous sign-gifts of the Spirit, such as tongues and healings, were limited to the early church.

7. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and unjust, the everlasting blessedness of the saved in Glory and the everlasting conscious punishment of the lost in hell.

8. We believe that all believers are called to a life of separation from all worldly and sinful practices and alliances.

9. We believe that from the beginning with Adam and Eve, God ordained marriage as only between one man and one woman. All sexual activity outside of this biblical definition of marriage, including homosexual practices, is in direct contradiction to God’s Word and His intention for the institution of the home. 10. We believe that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female for His glory. These two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of God, and the rejection of one’s biological gender is a rejection of God’s decreed will and good plan for humanity and the individual.

I am in full agreement with the Statement of Faith of Word of Life.

Name (Print):_ _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Signature:______________________________________________________________Date:_ _______________________________

August 2020

Standard of Conduct

1. Word of Life Fellowship, Inc., including domestic and foreign affiliations under the Word of Life structure, is dedicated to the Lordship of Christ in all areas of life. The distinctives of Word of Life lay in its philosophy and goals. The Word of Life family is a community of a board of directors, staff members and students (hereafter referred to as “associates”). Each associate consequently bears certain responsibilities and obligations within the organization for the implementation of its philosophy and goals. In order that the organization functions efficiently and its goals be realized, it is necessary that there be a mutual commitment to a corpus of standards which involve the willing surrender of certain individual purposes and goals. 2. Word of Life follows specific Biblical principles, which relate to Christian behavior. Therefore, Word of Life prohibits practices, which are clearly forbidden by the Word of God, such as drunkenness, sexual immorality, dishonesty, and the like (I Corinthians 6:9-20). Further, to expect associates to exemplify Christian love, consideration for the rights of others, honesty, and a high sense of Christian ethics is to expect only that which the Word of God teaches to be primary in the character of the Christian (Ephesians 4:24-5:8). 3. Word of Life is firmly committed to a literal interpretation of the Bible and rejects any attempt to “reinterpret” Scripture in light of “modern” moral or psychological theories. In the Biblical account of creation, the family was the first societal institution ordained by God. Furthermore, Scripture plainly declares that the first two humans created by God for His glory were distinctly male and female (Genesis 1:27, 2:18-22). Together, these complementary genders reflect the image and nature of God. We believe that one’s gender is determined at birth and that the rejection of one’s biological gender is a rejection of God’s decreed will and His good plan for humanity and the individual. God joined the man and woman in the holy rite of matrimony and commanded them to be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth (Genesis 1:28). Therefore, the only legitimate marriage is the joining of one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24, Romans 7:2, I Corinthians 7:10, Ephesians 5:22-23). In both the Old and New Testaments, God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity should take place outside of a marriage between a man and a woman. Accordingly, all forms of homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, bestiality, incest, fornication, adultery, and pornography are sinful perversions of God’s gift of sex (Genesis 2:24, 19:5, 13, 26:8-9, Leviticus 13:22, 18:1-30, Romans 1:26-29, I Corinthians 5:1, 6:9, I Thessalonians 4:1-8, Hebrews 13:4). Since Word of Life believes that all sexual activity outside of a marriage, including homosexual practices, are in direct opposition to God’s Word and constitute a direct contradiction to God’s institution of the home, Word of Life will not employ or continue to employ men or women who promote or participate in homosexual behavior or any other sexual activity outside of marriage. 4. Word of Life recognizes the principles of Christian liberty within the sphere of those things, which are intrinsically innocent. However, Word of Life also recognizes that liberty needs to be restricted in certain instances. Scriptural precedent is found in Acts 15 and Romans 14, where certain practices inherently innocent were forbidden because they could do spiritual harm to other members of the Christian community.

Verses for reference include: • I Corinthians 6:12 — Lawful, but not expedient (not profitable for our good) • I Corinthians 10:23 — Lawful, but not edifying • I Corinthians 8:9 — Could be a stumbling block • Romans 1:32 — Christians are different, and by living like the world, we approve of it. There should be no pleasure in watching sin.

August 2020

• Ephesians 5:6-7, 11 — Don’t be deceived with vanity and participate in it. • Colossians 3:17 — Make sure it pleases the Lord, not the emotions-flesh or self. • Hebrews 12:1-2 — Lay aside weights as well as the sin.

5. Certain principles of conduct are a necessary part of the effort to establish an atmosphere within which the goals of Word of Life can be realized. For this reason and in an effort to maintain a consistent and above-reproach testimony to youth, Word of Life requires associates to refrain from the possession or use of alcoholic beverages, all smoking products, recreational and illicit drugs, from gambling, and from social dancing. Ceremonial dancing at special family events such as weddings and anniversaries is permitted. Biblical discretion and restraint will be exercised in all choices of entertainment, including radio, television, all forms of audio and visual recordings, movies, stage productions, computer and video gaming, various forms of literature and social media (Psalm 101:3, Romans 14:13- 17, I Corinthians 9:22-23, I Corinthians 10:31, 2 Corinthians 6:3, Philippians 4:8, Ephesians 5:3-4, I Timothy 4:12, Titus 2:12). Furthermore, it is expected that associates will actively support a local Bible-believing church through service, giving, and allegiance (Hebrews 10:24-25). 6. Word of Life rejects the principle that exposure to and/or experimentation with doubtful and objectionable practices is essential to the development of moral or intellectual discernment and/or discrimination. Word of Life reserves the right to make the final decision in any questionable area. Word of Life also affirms that every field has the freedom to adopt its own stricter internal standards based upon their cultural, ecclesiastical, or historical context, while still respecting this Standard of Conduct as its foundation. 7. Word of Life recognizes that observance of Word of Life standards does not comprise the whole of an individual’s responsibility to God and hence does not necessarily indicate that one is living a life of full commitment. The philosophy of Word of Life, however, maintains that willingness to obey these standards shows a maturity and spiritual concern for the whole Christian community (Galatians 5:13-24). 8. Conduct that is an offense to good taste, sound morality, or Christian propriety will not be acceptable. While some may not have personal convictions wholly in accordance with Word of Life standards, the purpose underlying them necessitates the honorable obedience to them. If an individual can no longer in integrity conform to them, that person should withdraw from Word of Life. Willful disobedience of these standards will bring about dismissal from Word of Life immediately. 9. To insure that the doctrinal position of Word of Life will be maintained in an uncompromising manner and believing that a consistent and exemplary life should be expected of those who undertake the instruction and guidance of Christian youth, it is required that associates shall individually affirm by signing the following at the time of initial association and shall so reaffirm at such time as determined by Word of Life.

I agree to uphold and to respect the Standard of Conduct of Word of Life.

Name (Print):_ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Signature:______________________________________________________________Date:_ ________________________________

August 2020

Child Protection and Safety Plan Summary

Word of Life is committed to the protection and safety of the campers and guests who participate in our programs. As we move forward, the following areas are in focus:

Staff Training (See attachment entitled "Staff & Volunteer Code of Conduct")


3 T's: Touch, Talk and Territory


3W's: Who, What and Where

• Who each person is must be clearly identified. • What are they doing must be evident. • Where they are is critical (public area or non-public areas)


3 R's: Recognize, Resist and Report

• Know what is acceptable and what is not. • You have the right to say no. • Tell your authority if something is not right.

We have also created a safe box, phone number and email for reporting purposes.


Ethics Training

Using a principled approach, we teach that it is always right to do what is right. We want every staff member and guest to be fully aware of what is the right thing to do.

Facility Inspections and Modifications:

1. We regularly inspect both public and nonpublic areas. Public areas are for guests and staff. Non-public areas are for staff only. Guests and a staff member should never be alone in non- public areas. 2. We inspect for bathroom protocol including proper vision lines in all public areas. 3. We inspect for items such as hidden cameras, networking and video cams.


All areas that do not meet our standards are presently being modified.

o Shower and Bathroom Stalls with 18" clearance on the bottom. o Windows on office doors. o Each Building and Room is identified as public or nonpublic.

Programming and Staff Hiring

1. We review each program element to ensure that there are no gaps from our protocol and training. 2. We check all buildings and grounds for campers and staff during meeting times. 3. We properly identify all staff, guests and visitors. 4. We require thorough applications and reference-checking on each staff applicant. 5. We require a Statement of Commitment indicating agreement to our plan and to background checks.

Staff Volunteer Code of Conduct

We will ALWAYS be above reproach when interacting with campers both in and out of camp. Unfortunately, our world has become so stained that people are quick to judge. Our actions and intentions must always be pure and honoring to Christ. The subject of physical contact is so fragile with kids and should be taken with the utmost concern and seriousness by every staff member.

The following are guidelines for appropriate/inappropriate conduct with campers:



Not Appropriate


Private back rubs, arm tickles, massages, etc.

a handshakes and high-fives

b girls walking hand-and-hand


Touching of private parts (no exceptions!)

c short, congratulatory or greeting hugs

c touching a child in anger, disgust, or frusti

d arm around the shoulders

d frontal hugs with opposite sex

e piggybacks with young Campers

e sexual embraces

f leg sitting

f lap sitting

g kissing

h intimate wrestling or tickling



Not Appropriate



verbal praise for achievement or

compliments or questions relating to


physique or body development

b verbal encouragement

b sexual jokes, homosexual innuendoes, or

bathroom humor

c scripturally based teaching (non-sexual)

c swearing or vulgar language

d verbal harassment or abuse


individual secrets or special gifts


sexual coaching or conversation



Not Appropriate



public one-on-one interaction (see

sitting or lying on a bed with a Camper

policy below)

b private one-on-one interactions

b group or public environments

Shower Protocol

Staff or campers shall never "sit around" or "walk around" the cabin or cabin area without a towel or clothing covering private areas. Towels must be worn at all times ....going to and from shower. (No exceptions!) It is against policy to display sexual body parts intentionally, (even if it's a joke)

Removal of shorts, tops (for girls), or swimsuits will NOT be allowed for swimming and ANY time.

One on One's

All one-on-one interactions with campers must be done in a public place with others visible. (Must be seen, but not necessarily heard) A third person is always encouraged in these settings.

NOTE: Any infraction of the above policy will be immediate grounds for dismissal with no chance of re-hire. A violation of one of these policies could not only be misunderstood by campers/staff, but result in legal consequences from parents. We are here to lead campers to Christ and not one of these policies is necessary to do that.

For the safety of our campers, keep each other accountable in love.

Weekly Safety Briefing

3 T's

(Review our organizations Code of

Conduct) Touch: What is acceptable touch? Talk: What is acceptable

talk? Territory: What are acceptable personal boundaries?

3 W's S: (Review your role in the 360 degree Supervision using these three "reads")

Who: Who are they? {Identify the individuals as you observe them around property)

Where: Where are they? (Are they within the scope of where they're supposed to be and who they're supposed to be with at that given time?)

What: What are they doing? (Are their actions appropriate and within the boundaries of our code of conduct and schedule of activities?)

3 R's (Review of the Safe and Secure orientation)

Recognize: Recognize what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. (By the use of our Code of Conduct)

Resist: Resist unacceptable behavior. (You have a right to say "NO" to anything that makes you uncomfortable or that goes against what you have been taught)

Report: Report what makes you feel uncomfortable or if rules have been broken. (Reinforce our reporting protocol. 1. Tell a counselor, Director. 2. Write a note and put it in the Comment Box. 3. Tell a nurse in the Health Center)

Using the MRIC Database Effectively

This document is intended to serve as a training and reference manual for the basic elements of the new MRIC database that will be used by Missionaries to manage all data related to their partnering churches, their mailing database (both email and US Postal Service varieties) and their on-going donor base.

Logging In

The WOL MRIC you will use will open up to the screen you see below, called the Missionary Portal. The URL for this site is and requires two bits of information. Here, simply enter your username and your password and sign in.

Things we will be covering in this training.

1. Contact List 2. Newsletter/Mailing List 3. Sending a Newsletter 4. Update Webpage 5. Travel Requests 6. Ordering Prayer Cards

Home Screen

When you log in, your page will automatically load to the screen shown below. Notice that this page includes menus at the top (Support, Expenses, etc.). Take a moment to click through these menus to assure that you can access all your sub menus and working tools. Notice also that a menu is provided next to HOME. Click on CONTACTS to open up your database.


Contacts Menu

When you click on Contacts, your entire set of contacts will appear alphabetically. Please note that there is a difference between your “Contacts” and your “newsletter/mailing list” . Your Contacts are individuals and organizations that you would like to have their contact information for future reference but may or may not be on your mailing list. Your contact list is the basis for any list you may have including your mailing list. Notice the left margin has two sections (Actions and Tags). Tags are customer-defined and correspond to the associations you assign. Think of Tags as a simple way to create subs-sets of your data. Unless you had been using associations previously, your data may have nothing listed under Tags. We recommend you take time to create meaningful tags so that you can easily generate mailing lists for various portions of your data (using the Download menu on this page).


Searching for Records


As with most search windows, you may type a name or a portion of a name to locate individual records or every record that includes your search string. If you have assigned Tags, you may also search AFTER clicking on a tag so that your search will be isolated to your desired subset of data. This may be quicker than waiting for the system to sort through and search hundreds of records when you are truly interested in searching only those records with a specific tag.

Common Search Problems

Frequently, users may attempt to search for a record but fail to recognize that the search field includes information from their last search. For example, if I click on the final TAG shown above (Morning View Baptist), I will get all five of the leaders whose records I’ve also tagged with the name of the church. However, if I did not notice that the search field still had “Smith” from my last search, I would end up searching for all “Smith” records having the Morning View Baptist tag. In my case, that search would end up with zero records found. Don’t forget this if you find that you are unable to locate a record you’re looking for. Ask yourself, “Am I searching through the entire database , or just within a specific TAG ?”


Managing Tags

Suppose you might want to delete all tags designated for a church or organization in your database with the Tag “ABC Church,” in this example.

One way to do this is to go into each record and click into the EDIT field. Then place your cursor in the Tags field and delete the church Tag one record at a time. An easier and quicker way is to use the Manage Tags menu, located near the login user symbol at the top right of the screen.

When you click on Manage Tags, each of your currently-defined tags shows up in the dropdown box with a red X beside the tag. Clicking on this “X” will remove the tag from all records in which that tag appears. Notice the warning at the top of this dropdown box: “Removing a tag will remove it from the system and the tag will be removed from all contacts who currently have it on their record. This is permanent and cannot be undone.”

Editing a Record

**Please note that when you are editing, it is not instantaneous. Most “big” edits like an address or changing a name are done manually and must be checked by an actual person in the International Ministries office. Please allow 1 to 4 days for the edit. By clicking on a specific record, you will gain access to the screen on the next page. Notice the Tags field which allows you to simply create by text entry any tag you want, or pick from a drop-down listing of tags that are already in your database when you click in this field. Also notice the two fields that may be checked to indicate what sort of mailing this person will receive . You must click on the checkbox you wish to apply, except for records initially transferred by our IT Department. Those were defaulted to show USPS mailing. If neither of these is clicked, the record will not be included when you request a mailing through our Print Services Department.


If you want to edit the information for this individual or organization, click on the EDIT button to bring up the screen that follows.

The Edit Screen

The screen below comes up when you click on EDIT. Notice that an explanation is requested to accompany this edit in specific instances, such as a name change. Always complete this field as requested. It is used by our HQ staff to verify that the requested change is called for, and that redundant records will not result. Scrolling through the edit fields provides the opportunity to change information about the contact, the contact’s spouse, birthdates, address info, phone and email info, as well as informal and formal greetings that would be used to generate mailing labels. At the end of this screen, click on SAVE to lock in your changes.


When you click save, you may get a message like this:

In almost all cases, you should click on the “Use Address Verification” option.


Address Standardization

The data inside WOL’s program that houses all addresses has been cross-matched with the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) standards for addressing. This is a service to you and you should, in almost all cases, take the second option. Though this process has the capability of correcting your errors “on the fly,” even if it did nothing else for you aside from assigning the extra four digits of the ZIP+4 zip code, it will make mailings more efficient. Following your initial correction or acceptance of the Address Verification address, you will most likely not receive this message again for the specific record you are changing.

Adding a Contact

You will find the link for adding contacts under the ACTIONS menu at the top-left of the CONTACTS screen. This process is appropriate whenever you desire to add a new contact to your database. By clicking on the link, you will come to a screen offering you the option to enter this new record as an organization or as an individual. Businesses and churches should be entered as organizations, while people should be entered as individuals.

Once you identify the type of record you are adding, simply tab through the fields and assign names and other requested data for each field. Notice that this screen is where you can place phone contact info, email info, formal and informal salutations for mailings, etc. Not every field is a required field, but you will want to be as thorough as possible to enable best use of data later .

At the bottom of this screen, after your data is entered you will want to click on the SAVE button to save the new record.

**Please be as accurate as possible. Once you click “save”, what you don’t see is the system checking the entire WOL database for anyone matching the fields you entered. If you enter incomplete or incorrect


information it may cause duplicates in the database and someone in the office will need to manually make the corrections.

Removing a Record

There may be times when you wish to purge a record from your database. To remove a record, simply click on the “Remove” tab shown above the contact info (circled, below). Clicking on this will bring up a boxed message asking “Are you sure you want to remove this record?” When you click OK, the record is deleted. There is no “undo” button, so be sure of what you want to do before removing records.


Send a Newsletter

This Action menu option (shown in the screen print on the next page) permits you to order the printing and mailing of your newsletter through our central printing services.

Simply follow the data prompts as requested to get your print request in the system.


Known Issues – Duplicate Records

We have discovered that database duplicates may “creep” into your database without your knowledge. Some of these are the result of individual records that existed in both your database and the larger Word of Life Fellowship database, but with different addresses or even first names. In essence, any differences in the records might generate an unwanted duplicate in your database. See below. We also know that using Address Verification for record changes will eliminate many, if not most of these potential duplicates. Using that tool will change “Street” to “St” and “Drive” to “Dr” (for example) and will keep variations in street addressing from generating those duplicates in your database. Another reason for a duplication would be that the person has 2 “contact” forms marked primary. If they have 2 or more phone numbers or email addresses this will make them show up more than once on your list.

Update Webpage

You can find the “Update Webpage giving tool in the “Tools” option.



Travel Requests

When purchasing airline tickets we are able to help you. It is not a requirement for you to work through us and our travel agent; but it is a service we can provide you with.

Things you will want to note when purchasing tickets:

1. Traveling during the week and not a weekend usually is cheaper. 2. Airlines can change prices whenever they would like. 3. Flying from a “bigger” airport than a smaller more local airport could incur a higher costing ticket and/or more layovers. 4. An agent cannot always match an “expedia” cost for a ticket but they can sometimes beat it and they can also issue “humanitarian/missions” classified tickets that usually give more baggage. 5. If you work through us and our agent, please check the following when receiving your proposal: a. ALWAYS look over the spelling of your name, dates of travel, date of birth & entire itinerary BEFORE approving ticket to be issued. b. Once ticket is issued we typically have only 24 hours from time of issuance to make any corrections. c. Any changes/corrections after 24 hours of issuance will probably incur a fee. d. Once you approve your ticket to be issued you will receive the etickets within 24 hours.


Prayer Cards

Prayer cards are ordered via the MRIC and paid for from your missionary account. Please note that the design and printing of prayer cards is done off site. The process is simple; please see below:

1. Fill out the form on the MRIC 2. Proof will be emailed to missionary upon completion.

3. Missionary will then need to make any corrections/additions or deletions from the card. 4. An updated proof will be sent to the missionary until the missionary has been given final approval of printing. 5. Once approval has been given it will take approx.. 1 week for missionary to receive the prayer cards.


Future Modifications

Since this process is evolving, we will continue to provide a link to this MRIC Database Users document. We will make every effort to notify you of any substantive changes in the database that would impact you as a user, alerting you to take a look at the new version that will be accessible by an active link. If you have questions after reading the most recent document and viewing the video, you may contact an International Ministries office personnel via email


You have been assigned a coach! Summary : The support raising coach is the primary person responsible for ______________ you as a staff member (new or veteran) through the support raising process.  _____________ coaching process  2-3-4 Years of support raising  Supporters dropping after two years because they were not seeing progress.

 Several Missionaries __________________ with discouragement  Many would be allowed to go to the field with less than fully funded.

 Support Raiser-a different ______________________  What would you look for in a coach for athletic events?

 Responsibilities and Duties of the Support Raiser  Continue developing your walk with the Lord

 Complete Training, Orientation and especially your Google sheets.  Weekly Activities  Minimum of (40, 30, or 20) hours per week support raising  Setting up support appointments  Having support appointments with contacts at their workplaces, homes or coffee shops, etc.  Following up with appointments regarding a decision of support  Helping people logistically start their giving  Appropriate _______________ regarding support raising, e.g. newsletters, prayer updates  Gather referrals  Maintain healthy ________________, a Sabbath rest, and consistent time in God ’ s Word and in prayer Work will all diligence toward your weekly and monthly goals

 Our Benchmarks  Goal is set to raise support for 6-9 months

 Weekly and Monthly Goals  We want to challenge all missionaries to gain ______of support in their ___________ of support raising activity (Picking the “ low-hanging fruit ” ).  Reports & Meetings with Coach  Regular face-to-face (Zoom) meetings with support coach (weekly)  Fill out and submit your ____________ report.  Weekly and Monthly Goals for Full time support Raisers  Adjust your schedule to prioritize support raising  During this _____________ (only for a period) support raising is your single focus, so excuse yourself from any ministry and non-ministry involvement.  Success includes __________________ and constructive assistance that o ___________________, o instructs and o encourages you toward possible _________________ growth and becoming fully funded within the designated time frame, resulting in ministry placement.


The process: Weekly Coaching Calls  Coaching calls should last between 20 and 45 minutes and be done face to face through online meetings or in-person.  This ensures sufficient time is given on each call to address all the areas.  The _______________

 Personal Catch-up  Of what is happening in your l__________ and in your ___________________.

o Evaluation and Accountability  You will have an accountability Sheet to fill out to help this evaluation process. o Daily o Weekly-night before coaching meeting.  Review the key ___________________ for that week (and at the end of the month).  Share what you feel like is going well or poorly and why.  Be straightforward and always let your responses be seasoned with grace.  Celebrate your success and talk through your struggles.  Remind yourself that your coach is always working for your best interest so you can get fully funded. o ________________________  Sometimes you might know what you need help with -share and ask for help.  Other times you and your coach will evaluate and discern where the problems are.  List and address your stated issues.

o Encouragement  Your coach will work hard to encourage you.  Sometimes that encouragement will come in the form of tough Love.  Before your meeting starts, pray for a teachable spirit. o Goal Setting - _______________Goals o There are always the general expectations,

 But make sure you, together, identify some important goals and _________________.  Make sure you record goals that are set. Your coach may also send them in an email and review them in the next coaching call.  Using the SMART acronym can help people evaluate and achieve their goals o Specific o Measurable o Attainable o Relevant o Time-Based o Prayer _________________ discussions Remember your coach is looking out for your best interest. Pray for your heart attitude, listen to them, ask questions of them and apply what they are asking you to do!


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