These are the names of the children of Israel who came to Egypt (Exodus 1:1) And these are the names of the children of Israel Eighty and another six nights And these are the names of those covered by darkness. And these are the names of those descending to the abyss of grief These Are the Names Yael Lifshitz Translated by Michael Bohnen, Heather Silverman & Rachel Korazim
Whose lives were abducted and cut off from their life. And these are names of the children of Israel whose cry Rises from the depth of the tunnels of darkness And there is no angel nor seraph* to save them Not even a single expression** of deliverance. But there is hope With trembling wings With the power to break out of the straits*** And call them by their names And draw them out To bring them back - to the land of the living.
* “And the Lord took us out": not through an angel, and not through a seraph. -Passover Haggadah ** There are four different terms used by God in describing the deliverance from Egypt, for it states: “And I will bring forth”, “and I shall deliver”, “and I shall redeem”, “and I shall take out”. (Exodus 6:6-7) *** Rashi: The word for straits is similar to the word for Egypt in the first line.
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